I don't know if this is the right place or not, but here goes. 1. Has anyone seen any good Ice Fields, Snowbound or Standoff remakes? I'm looking for them; if you know some, post them, if they don't exist just say so. 2. Is are any stickied remake thread around here? Mods, feel free to move this if this isn;t the right place. But please try to answer the questions. Thanks.
1. Nope, nope and nope. There is no decent terrain for standoff to be remade on and the same for Snowbound. Never heard of Ice fields. 2. Nope.
Hello , I did say in post earlier, go onto bungie and search by tag the names of the maps, I'm sure you will find something. It is usually the easiest way to find maps as so many people change names on remakes, making difficult to find, but tags are usually added . Hope this helps. Ice fields is from halo CE . As I found it searching earlier.
The hilly area over the cave actually has terrain quite similar to standoff. Hemorrhage and the aforementioned area have terrain similar to snowbound, but the underground structures of snowbound are impossible to replicate in forge.
I tried that; no luck finding good remakes, even with the tags. I've downloaded some of them, and many don't even come close. Hence why I'm here. You found an Ice Fields remake??? Also, in your map preview thread, you said you couldn't find a layout. It's pretty simple, I'll describe it. The map is roughly figure-eight shaped. Starting from either base, there is a giant rock that splits the path in two. The right paths curve 180 to meet at the middle, in a large, straight ice patch. There are paths on either side with various weapons, and lots of rocks. The left paths curve uphill and meet at the bridge, perpendicular to the ice patch. Teleporters behind the base lead to sniper towers near the bridge. Think of the map as two S's one overlapping the other perpendicularly. You'd have to ask about the weapon locations, but I might know some.
I know this one would be relatively difficult, (practically impossible haha) but has anyone attempted Last Resort? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Just found a ton on Bungie.net. We'll see if any of them are good.
JDHarbs19 attempted a last resort remake and recently released what he says is the finished version. Looks similiar but I dont think id know it was last resort or zanzibar either one If I hadnt took alot of time pulling ideas off that map recently. Its posted on bungie.net and his fileshare however if you want to look it up. Or just send me a friend request or message on live and ill let you tour it, the maps named Camp froman.
Sounds nice crypt let me know if you need an assist on it designing or otherwise. I'm planning on making a snowbound, damnation successor soon myself. Snowbound because its potential was pretty untapped in Halo 3 and could be used alot better in reach with some unique touches to the design. If anyone would be interested in teaming up for a remake or other just send a message
1. I have seen a Snowbound remake but it wasn't really good. Standoff and Ice Fields? Nope. Those two maps look extremely hard to make. Standoff because of the tunnels. Ice Fields because of the aesthetics, mountains, buildings and such. Plus I beilive Ice Fields had three flamethrowers. 2. No, but maps that are remade have the "Remake" in bold in front of the title of the map.