Hey everyone, I started a new 1 month today and I went in to play Halo 3, but it won't let me play Matchmaking because it says I don't have the maps required. If I log into my other account, it works fine. If I log into both of my accounts, my new one suddenly is able to load them. I'm wondering if there's a way to fix this issue..? I don't want to have to log into both of my accounts and load up the maps everytime I play. Thanks in advance! (BTW, this is also happening to my friend. He just made a new GT.)
Try to go into Forge lobby before you go into matchmaking then click on maps, they should all load up, after a minute or two, then matchmaking should load them so you can play :]
This happens to me all the time, I have to go to custom games click games or maps and it will load all the files, then it will work. (think it's because I got to many maps)
My brother used to have the same problem. All the maps were on my account, and he couldn't always use them. It usually doesn't let you load the content because it's not under your gamertag, and the other account had not paid for it. After a while though(I'm not sure why) it let my bro play all the other maps without me having to log on. Given to Flys method might work though.
same problem. Just got a new xbox back after RRoD problem and now i cant load the downloaded maps. I bought the maps on my old account and im guessing thats the reason? I always have to sign in to my old account in a custom game and load the maps. Getting annoying =.=