ive been watching the latest mlg tourney and ive noticed that some players (neighbor) will randomly move their crosshairs in a small circle very quickly, why do they do this?
I'm not an avid MLG player, or well experienced one, so please do not take my reasoning for a fact or truth, but this is my hypothesis. Often I find my fingers very tense, and static. Moving your control stick around in a circular motion warms the blood in your finger, plus gives you more accuracy on your next shot. Rather then having a tense hand, doing that motion loosens your fingers up and gives you a higher probability of hitting your target. Even use this if you're playing a warm-up game, or wielding the sniper. Broadening your fingers limitations is good in this particular case.
probably so if they see someone they can flick it and shoot the person really quick noeghbor uses the sniper alot right?
It's called the Ogre twitch, developed by FB 0G2. He got Recon for it. He developed it in Halo 2. It keeps your hand moving, and is widely used. I use it if I'm not near a target. Try it.
Or, he got Recon for being on the best Halo 2 team, and continuing with a strong career in a top 4 Halo 3 team. Maybe. As for the twitch, there are many rumors for what it does, from it being a habit leftover from calibrating your aim in Halo 1, to keeping your fingers warmed up. I think its just a habit the pros got into for whatever reason and they don't even think about when they do it.
people have been doing it since halo first came out. Like my brother and his friends. I would do it a lot in timesplitters as well.
in halo 1 (not sure about h2) it was supposed to recalibrate your controller (they sometimes used to make your reticle move in a direction even when it was in the centered position) plus it keeps your thumb warmed up
As many have said its called the "Ogre Twitch" In the recent films I have watched the new "Twitch" is the 8 pointed star that Neighbor uses in order to make his Sniper more efficient. If you haven't seen the Film of where Neighbor beats Roy 15-0, then you should check it out. You can find it on the gamertag: N 2the Eighbor
This one? I'm downloading it now, I'm very curious about this 8 pointed star. edit: I found the video on YouTube. It certainly didn't make is sniper more effecient, he had camo and the sniper while the enemy ran towards him in a straight line but he still missed! To me the circles just look like bored thumbs.
It's rather funny seeing you guys explain a silly habit that I do. I discussed this the other day with my other friend Allfyy (50 in MLG). He says he does it just because he likes seeing it go really fast. It's better if you have a higher sensitivity, like mine 6. We do it because it wakes us up a bit and looks pretty cool.
Lol he didn't get Recon for the Ogre twitch, he just got it for being on the #1 team at the time. And It warms you up in a small way. Your fingers like to move while you play and if you don't move them at the start then you're Br's going to be a little off.
Shanon's got it right. It just looks impressive and it gives off the impression that you know what you're doing. Even though many say that the Ogre Twitch "warms up your BR," its been proven multiple times that it really doesn't. It might make your finger a little more lose, but it doesn't get much better than that. It's a simple habit that's infected many players in all playlists. It effects your BR by nothing, and its really not something that I recommend doing because you'll catch yourself doing it an awful lot after a while. I'm waiting for the day that I pass out from doing it too much.