question about area spawn

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by rubatino, Dec 9, 2007.

  1. rubatino

    rubatino Ancient
    Senior Member

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    first off id like to start with saying this is my first post, so hello to all, Im very exited at all I will learn in my time here

    now about the spawns

    I read you can set the priority on an area spawn to certain events that happen

    so hypothetically speaking, in a territories game would you be able to make it so that if you control a certain territory a certain spawn area becomes a priority

    i feel im being vague so just ask if you dont get what im saying

    also just so i know, does the area spawn work where its a spawnpoint in itself, or does it work as a modifier for spawn points in the area it takes up?

    id test this myself but im out of town

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