Quarry(Squad/BTB Multi/Neutral Flag)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by K a n t a l o p e, Jul 4, 2015.

  1. K a n t a l o p e

    K a n t a l o p e Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Designed with multi flag and neutral flag in mind

    I haven't been able to reach my Xbone since first sketching this design, so there are no screenshots to show you. On the other hand here is the initial over head design:


    The main design feature is that there are five main areas: the bases, the tower & basin, the 'rock'et spawn, and the only infantry exclusive route along the top of the map. The middle tower itself holds the beam rifle(bottom level) and shotgun(top level) it's exposed from all positions but can be essential to stopping the enemies from capturing the flag by allowing a sight line over the jumps between the bases and the basin. Where the neutral flag is has a bit more cover than the rest of the infantry route. The 'rock' also has a sneaky route along the lower inside of the basin.

    Intended weapons:
    -Rockets(1 spare) x 1
    -Beam Rifle x 1
    -Shotgun(1 spare) x 1
    -BR x 2
    -Carbine x 2
    -SMG x 4
    -Plasma Pistol x 2
    -Magnum x 4

    I hope that this design yields a great map and that I can get some advice before implementing it into forge itself.

    ps: I'll have my gamertag changed to 'Kantalope King' this coming week.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 4, 2015 ---
    BTW this has nothing to do with Dylan Donahoe's post.
    #1 K a n t a l o p e, Jul 4, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2015

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