READ THIS FIRST, WOULD YOU KINDLY? Now, you've probably seen my other map previews here on Forge Hub, and I know, either they were way past supposed deadline (i.e. Hill 400) or were canceled because of various limitations (i.e. Sequence)*. Such events like these slowly corrode away at your reputation and credibility and eventually no one will believe your posts since you made so many broken promises. I am not going to let that happen, I'm sure. Another thing I need to mention is that I have my own way of scaling maps based on how finished they are, called Stages, and each Stage in turn is divided into Phases. Stages tend to be based on adding a certain "layer" to a map (i.e. placing weapons and vehicles, spawning, etc.). Map Construction Stages Stage One: Planning Phase Zero (concept): This is when an idea for a map forms and is assumed to be plausible within the limits of any Halo: Reach map - specifically, Forge World (and to a smaller extent, Tempest). The idea is usually jotted down on paper or Notepad and crude blueprints are created. Phase One (location): Once the idea is perfected and is reached a desired shape, one now has to decide where exactly the map is going be located, and the perimeters of the Safe Zone(s). Phase Two (foundation): Next, a basic "skeleton" of the map is created, following the aforementioned blueprints, following some changes along the way if the appearance is undesirable. Basic structures are placed and aligned to be built upon later in the process. Stage Two: Construction Phase Three (primary construction): It's here that the real Forging starts! Buildings are created and platforms are placed, while being linked together with pathways and bridges. Weapon and vehicle locations are usually determined at this Phase. Phase Four (secondary construction): Here, the structures are decorated with various objects and scenery, or have the unnecessary or unattractive parts or pieces covered up from the player's viewpoint in Custom Games. Weapons and vehicles are usually placed in this Phase. Phase Five (spawning and property zoning): Then, the Forger positions the Initial and Respawn points throughout the map, as well as Spawn Influencers. Kill zones are put in to make sure players don't get where they shouldn't be. Objectives for various gametypes (i.e. Flag Spawn Points) are prepared. Stage Three: Gameplay Phase Six (testing and revision): Once the map is perfected and the creator is satisfied with the map's appearance and gameplay, they call upon their friends or co-Forgers (or in our case, pester other Forge Hub users) to help make sure the map plays smoothly and the mechanics are functioning properly (i.e. respawn times for objects and vehicles). After every test session, the creator fixes and issues or revises certain parts of the map according to the testers' critique. Phase Seven (release and promotion): The map is fully complete and perfected, and now, all that's left is to post the map in their File Share and then promote it on any Halo forum - in our case, post it up on the Halo: Reach Custom Content forum. Phase Eight (updation): If the map receives unfavorable reviews, has issues that were overlooked/disregarded during Phase Six, or is simply not content with the final product again, the creator may then revise and make a new version of the map. This Phase is completely optional. Each project in my list will be accordingly sorted based on the amount of progress, and once a map passes into Phase Six, only then will it be posted for preview. Without further ado, I present my latest map preview - Quarantine City: Sector Alpha. Quarantine City: Sector Alpha Sector Alpha was the business and economic sector of Fontaine City; its inhabitants lived the luxurious, capitalistic lifestyle. The multibillion-dollar research corporation Sinclair Solutions had a branch here, whose building was second only to the Grand Tower in height and splendor. Quarantine City: Sector Alpha is an Infection-exclusive map set within a destroyed, decrepit city that's been infested by zombies following an outbreak of a deadly pathogen. Humans start in a wrecked subway station and walk down the tunnel to the other subway station leading into the city. After that, it's only a matter of alternately moving around the rusted ruins and holing up in the various refuges throughout the once-great metropolis. Zombies start at a caved-in train tunnel above the station exit, and use a network of elevated railways to get around the map quickly. Two tall skyscrapers serve as save havens with which to lock-down in, two small tenements with moderate shelter, two enclosed pavilions (one of which serves as the base for the Grand Tower in the center) and various other buildings scattered throughout the city - and this sprawling metropolis holds more secrets than you think... Once you leave the tunnel, there's no return. As mentioned earlier, players start in a crumbling subway station - kill zones make sure that camping in this area is impossible; you need to leave the station into the tunnel to progress - at the far end of the tunnel lies your hope to salvation! Outside the station awaits a desolate, abandoned battleground. After making it out of the long, dusty tunnels, turn right into the station's exit; beware, for the infected will first ambush you directly outside the exit. Note the three Power to the People! machines (one damaged yet still functional) to the left of the survivor; their purpose and function will be explained later. Creeping in my soul... After the virus claimed its first victims, the virus spread like a wildfire - one particular city that was connected to Fontaine City was struck with the plague hard. The government attempted to quarantine the city, but the epidemic broke through via the subway and Fontaine City quickly became the virus' next victim. With capitalism, the better and brighter are always on top. The international corporation Sinclair Solutions maintained a branch in Fontaine City; the local managers made sure their building was not easily forgotten. The Boss' office on the 5th floor has a secret, but only time will tell. With capitalism, the better and brighter will fight to be the best and brightest. BXR Legal was a economic and financial advisor company, and one of the most trusted and reliable law firms in the city; their building rivaled that of the Sinclair Solutions offices. They also maintained a branch in another city that was also hit with the outbreak. The building was severely damaged during the initial spread of the virus - as such, the upper floors are completely inaccessible. How did I get here? The Boss' office in the Sinclair Solutions building holds a secret, not even the other employees knew about it... *Sequence was not the map's planned name; it was only a working title before it got canceled due to complications. Operation Jupiter is on hiatus due to work on this map, but it will still be released sometime in the future.
The layout seems vaguely similar to a layout I sketched up in my anticipation for Reach before launch... it looks fine albeit a bit large, its hard to imagine a smaller group of people playing this from the pictures. But of course I havent played on it yet, so who knows. The naming convention for your infection series seems a bit iffy though. I can imagine it being hard to remember which map is which if theyre all in the same map list. And I have to say, my personal methology for forging is waaaaay different.
The layout part is a complete coincidence, I've only met you in a very short span of time. It was actually supposed to be even bigger and more detailed than the final version, but the fun was cut short thanks to budget, item, and framerate limits; it runs fine when I'm by myself, but I can imagine the horrible latency problems on multiplayer if I add more objects. Alpha is the first in the Greek alphabet, Delta is next, then Sigma, and Omega is the last letter. Sectors Alpha and Omega were named for obvious reasons (first and last), while Sectors Delta and Sigma are BioShock references, which are common in my map themes, forum posts, etc...
Nonononono, Im sorry if it sounded like I was accusing you, because I wasnt. The layout just reminded me of my own layout, which I never even started to forge.