Hello Everyone, It's HomieG54 again with a new infection map on Standoff. It uses some interlocking but no geo-merging. It's not the best but the gameplay is fun and it uses some of the forging techniques. Description: The humans have limited ammunition to fend off the zombies. Can you find the secret gravity hammer lets find out. THERE IS A HIDDEN GRAVITY HAMMER FOR THE HUMANS. It's not too hidden but it can be hard to find. Weapons: 5x Sniper (1 with 120 respawn, 3 with 30, and 1 with 45) 4x Shotgun (3 30 sec respawn, 1 45 sec respawn) 3x Battle Rifle (All 30 sec) 1x Laser (45 sec) 1x Rocket Launcher (120 sec) Equipment: 1x Bubble Shield (30 sec) 1x Cammo (180 sec) 1x Overshield (180 sec) 1x Custom Powerup (180 sec) Action Screenies: Screenies: Zombie Spawn Human Spawn Weapons (Some) Teles and More Another Base Sniper Spot (The other bridge thats interlocked isn't showing) Thanks for viewing my thread please rate!!!! I spent about 3 hours on this surprisingly! Breakout Gametype Quantum Map
Looks like a lot of power weapons! Are the weapons for humans, zombies, or both? Interlocking isn't at its best but it looks like a lot of fun.
Humans. But most have little ammunition though Elkan Viel. And I know Interlocking isnt great but it was on my first map with interlocking and you really dont need to much interlocking on a fun infection map. And the base part. The way to get to the top part thing glitched itslef into an interlock but just looks cool though.
I didn't really see any interlocking, and armories generally = PHAIL. However, the map doesnt look too bad, just a little average. 3/5 MattDGiant
Okay. True, I have played infection maps and they usually don't have interlocking so you have done better =). Less ammunition is good, that's nice. Looks righteous!
People always make the maps in the air...I think it would be great if someone would make on on the ground on standoff. BTW...Looks pretty good but there is a lot of weapons on here.
Thanks MattD. I really wasnt going for anything special. I was just trying to make a ok map with some fun gameplay. But expect to see a better map from me in a couple days that I have been working on with interlcoking geo-merging and everything. So yea. And Jakkata there really is nothing to it because it's really only meant for big parties. It can be played with smaller parties but not too little though. i know Itz Me. Well it really isnt floating though. But I may make a slayer map on here maybe specifically for team snipers. SO yea. I was just going with simplicity here.
The bases don't look ideal for infection, and they're not interlocked, making it look very sloppy. Also, a thing that you have going on here is an armory, a place with ALL the good weapons. Never put those into infection maps because it promotes people camping in there and not coming out fighting. Besides that, you really didn't do anything else to the map so I can't criticize anymore. This is not a download for me.
Well that is your opinion and I respect that. And there is a non-camping room witch I didnt get to show. But like I said I know this isnt a good map but I just made it for fun gameplay to play with friends online and offline.