Quantum v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by n1n3CAL, Sep 1, 2008.



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  1. n1n3CAL

    n1n3CAL Ancient
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    **MORE COVER**
    (more of a v 1.7)

    After hearing what other fellow players having to say, I decided to edit and in hopes improve Quantum's lack of cover issue by editing it and adding some more feature that I hope improve both gameplay and looks.


    As you might be able to see I added some slanted stairs for both aesthetic purposes and, as stated previously, add more cover.


    I also added these up ramps on each side of the center structure. They allow a little less predictable pathway to the sword as well as another jump to and from sniper. Speaking of which...


    Barriers on snipe platform. Just added cover.



    Now another issues that I found was a pain was the inaccessibility to easily get from the lower levels to the top of the back towers. To solve this I added some door steps, a floating platform, and a truck so that you're not stuck running in circles trying to find a way up to the guy BRing you.


    Now you may have noticed this in the corner of the previous screenshots. Well I noticed that that corner was very barren, very blank and boring. So I added a little watchpost there. But I needed a reason to make people want to go to them. So in each watchpost is a mounted turret. Make gameplay a little more interesting.


    A less noticeable change but a very useful one. I added this fence wall/wall conjunction to make main alley a little more narrow and, yes again, to provide more cover.


    I put barrels on the second set of towers for two reasons. One access to top of towers and two cover.


    Now this...I think I just threw that in there. But looks there's a flag.

    Well I hope that I made a decent improvement on this map cause it took a lot of forging, testing, reforging, and retesting. And once again please rate and comment.

    To download:
    #1 n1n3CAL, Sep 1, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2008
  2. BennyIV

    BennyIV Ancient
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    Evan for this being a v 2 in all I dont see a lot of changes from the first one. Your map still needs more cover on the lower sections because if you were unlucky enough to get caught on the bottom level when someone has the sniper, your dead. But seriously it would be so easy to just park your but on the top floor with a sniper or BR and just mow everybody down. The hallway looks to have better cover now in the v 2 with those barrels and what not but the rest still needs more cover.
  3. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    I don't see anything that was changed sorry. I still think this map could use alot of work to unlock its true potential.

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