I am doing some remakes of Quake maps in Halo 4 forge anyone how would like to help me in some recreations is welcome to help me out whenever they please and any all of my maps available via file share are open for you to explore. The maps I'm designing I will be trying to make play as much like quake as possible but on halo four which is totally possible with custom game settings. I will be posting screenshots when I can of finished maps though I haven't completed any quake designs. If you are interested message or add me on xbox live game tag:N1NJ4 SEAN Questions on Forge: I have noticed some of the designs I'm seeing look massive. I'm interested in learning how you managed to place all these objects with the limited item numbers. Glorious and props to all the forge masters that have allowed me to play my favorite og halo maps with my friends. But please, tell me your secrets
It really depends on what maps from Quake you plan on remaking. There are a couple that would transfer over to Halo well but the majority wouldn't. Hopefully, you don't have designs such as Longest Yard on mind as a ton of people felt it was a good idea to remake that in Halo: Reach, hahaha. If you're asking for personal opinions, I would love to see a good remake of Almost Lost, Campgrounds, or Furious Heights. Of course, some aspects about those would have to be changed me thinks. As for the question, I imagine it was simply because they know how to budget their objects. The reason some big team battle maps are massive is because they take advantage of the larger object pallette. I lovez Quake, so I would be more than happy to play the remakes some time. I would add you, but I would probably forget to by the time on get on xbox next. GT: basketskate3 Welcome to Forgehub!
I have seen a lot of longest yard. Thanks for your suggestions, I will try my best, though the finished products may take a while. Haha, still have forge tips to learn [br][/br]Edited by merge: Welcome to Quake 3 Arena!!!! My first remake of Quake is finished and will post screens and footage as soon as I get a capture card. If you would like to view the map you can download it from my file share. It is the intro map to quake 3 arena as i thought that would be the best place to start for a quake recreation. It is a small map perfect for 1v1 and double teams, and is also good four 4 person free for all. I designed the game type variant and weapons loadouts to make the level play as it would on quake, so i used a modified slayer pro settings. You start with the assault rifle and the only weapon pickups are the shotgun and plasma rifle just as it was when I first played quake. Play however you want though, I will never say you can't play. However the map existed before jetpacks in multiplayer. so it's not usable with jetpack. My next designs will be armor ability friendly. Please check out my map when you have the chance. gametag: N1NJ4 SEAN--Map Variant: Q3DM0--Game Type: QUAKE 3 ARENA, map and game variant available on file share. I hope everyone enjoys this intro to my quake remakes and expect more to come!!!
Hey, you're remaking quake maps I enjoy those.. I do remember seeing a whole page filled with overheads of old quake maps. I'll try to find it for you. EDIT: Found it, thanks to lurking and aPK. http://www.quake-live.tv/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=237 They're not amazing, but they should work great in conjunction with youtube videos.
Thanks for the link, it is exactly what I have been looking for. I can use use this in conjunction with playing the game. I find walking around it is way more productive, haha. I finished the intro map, but then decided it didn't look enough like quake cause of Impacts bright ass lighting. So I rebuilt it on Erosion and it looks way darker and more like a quake game. For those of you who want to check it out, feel free to delete my filters from the map if you don't like them. If you do then I hope it makes you feel more in the game.
Nope, you would have to take a picture from your phone, camera, or capture card if you have one. Unfortunately, filesharing is down until some time next month.
No. There's no way to get them off of the file shares right now. There is another way though. Follow the instructions in this thread. It looks a little difficult to do at first, but trust me it works. It worked for me my first time trying it. I've never really played Quake, but I have always appreciated how balanced the maps are. I just bought Quake 4, solely for the purpose of learning about map design. So if you are interested in making a remake from Quake 4, I'm in. I know lots about forge and I think these Quake maps are similar to the style of maps I like designing anyway. As for making large map designs. There's one thing I can say. Make the most out of your pieces. What I mean is don't hide or merge each piece into something else. Try to make the most surface area out if the pieces that you choose. Once you make a design that is big enough, THEN you go around changing aesthetics. Its hard to explain. You can make a simple working map out of just doors walls and flooring, which doesnt take many pieces. I dunno, I could show you in forge, but as you can see I can't explain myself very well here.
Quake 4 has some good maps, but Quake Live/3 probably have the best maps. Don't overlook the other two Quakes, though. They all have great maps.
I saw the first Quake at Slackers the other day for dreamcast. If I had a dreamcast, I would have spent the fourty dollars to buy it. Yeah, I bought Quake 3 some time ago hoping to play multiplayer, but it doesn't seem like it's that active. At least, I can't manage to get in a game. After beating the short story, I really only open the game up to check out maps on lvlworld. N1NJA, I think it was you that added me on xbox yesterday, right? Feel free to invite me whenever we are both on and I will gladly take a look at the maps with you. Really though, you should consider making Almost Lost. I would love you if you managed to pulled it off well.
Quake Live is free on the PC, and it is very active. Check out the map Solid, it's great. Almost Lost is sick, until you get to the hallway portion. While it's not a big deal on Quake, because of the lightning speed, it would negatively impact the functionality with Halo settings.
I definitely will not overlook the first two. Or any, Quake was one of my favorite games and still is. I find old quake servers with a bunch of die hards all the time still. Quake two is still probably one of my favorites, I love dropping dudes into the lava and **** haha. Quake 4 remakes would be awesome. I think I might have to pick that up as well. We should do some series of maps from all of them in all honesty. I don't think quake is ever going to come back but I may be wrong. They might have the most glorious quake ever under way, but until then I wanted to immerse people into their favorite oldies. Some two towers house of pain, haha. I am always down to play with you guys whenever too I played with jed05 yesterday and that kid is pretty awesome haha. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Question? How do I get my screenshots into url form so I can insert them to the thread? I'm new to most forums. [br][/br]Edited by merge:[hr [br][/br]Edited by merge: [/IMG] figured it out. haha. [br][/br]Edited by merge: [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [br][/br]Edited by merge: Checked out quake live. It's really awesome, except I want the 50 extra maps without having to pay every year. Only down side. Still might just do that though, haha. The next map I want to do is space ctf. I think it might be too big though. I can't find almost lost either at the moment. I will have to keep searching. Also might do house of pain next. Can't decide. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Which game is almost lost in? There is only so much I can get from a video or layout. I wanted to look around in game but can't find it in 3 or team arena. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Ok, so I found that Almost Lost is only available on Quake live and is not part or the originals cause I can't find it anywhere else.