I checked off "Multi Flag" because I couldn't see a regular generic "Capture the Flag" box. It doesn't necessarily need the custom gametype, but works well just the same. This is a remake of Tournament 6 from Quake 3 Arena - "The Very End of You". The Fuel Rod gun is on a platform inside a soft-kill zone and the sidewalk replaces the moving platform. I know it should have a megahealth there but I already used the Overshield as the Red Armor. Weapons: Rocket Launchers; 2x Sniper (Railgun); 1x Fuel Rod; 1x Overshield; 1x Custom Custom Gametype attributes: Primary - Battle Rifle; Secondary - None 200% run; No Grenades; No Loadout; Bottomless Clip; 90% Jump height; Custom Powerup is 300% damage (Quad) for 15 seconds. - Jolan