Sandbox Quake 3 Longest Yard Remake

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by cocamola, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. cocamola

    cocamola Ancient
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    So here it is. I recall hearing one of the Mythic map designers wanting to see this remake so i set myself a challange to create the Quake3 Arena famous Longest Yard
    With all the crazy jump action included! The only difference jump pad wise is the double jump to where QuadDamage was Orgianlly. This has been replaced with a telepoter transiton (Beacuse there were no man cannons left). It still gives the same feel though.

    The weapons are slightly tweaked beacuse 2 rocket spawns would be OP for Halo 3 of course but still grants that ridicous FFA fast paced action I will inclued all relivent links below. I hope you enjoy playing this as i did creating it.

    I am open to Construcive Criticism as this is my first released map.



    Longest Yard Remake Download

    Orignal Quake map

    UPDATE: Better screenies

    Update Play test Screenies. Also i am currently working to perfect spawn points and generally make it feel smoother.

    #1 cocamola, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2009

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
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    There seems to be more to this map than your pictures suggest. I have never played Quake 3, so I wouldn't know what this map looked like. I didn't even know there was a third one. I think a couple more pics in this post would be nice. It would probably give a bigger idea of what this map was about.
  3. Reidypeedy

    Reidypeedy Ancient
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    could use a bit more forging skills and tecneques but looks fun to plax on.. i dont no wat the map looks like origanally but seems like u remade it pretty decently. doesent seem like a fast paced map though like u say it is.. good job for a first map and post
  4. cocamola

    cocamola Ancient
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    Its quite hard to create a visible screenshot for this map. As it is hard to see this map is relatively small and alot of open space creating a face passed motion.

    It is very true to the original quake map down to how the jump pads lead and projections (hardest part). as this being a very old map it also may simple in design but when in action is extremely fun.

    If you can give me a few hours i will have a few more screenshots up and the maybe some FFA tests to show this map.
    Thanks for the advice.

    Senior Member

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    Awww. You beat me to it.

    By looking at the pictures this looks like a pretty decent remake. I'll definitely give this a download, cause I was a huge Q3 fan and I have spent years on this map =p

    You should include a more fast paced gametype with speed upped and gravity increased slightly. That's what I'd do anyway.

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