Quads Created by DieHardAssassin, REDSHADOW1337, Speed e cake and MLG GateKeeper (IVIercinator). Quads is a Mini-game map designed for two specific gametypes: Squads and Joust. Both have honor rules, but Joust is a more "competitive mini-game" and Squads is a mini-game. These honor rules include: Joust -No killing unless you're on the back of a mongoose. -If you off fall the mongoose you must get back on without killing anyone. Squads -Zombies must stay on the mongeese. -If you off fall the mongoose you must get back on without killing anyone. -You are allowed to get off your mongoose to get on a different goose. Map Description: The map uses the back area of Foundry as a spawn room for the Zombies in Sqauds and Red and Blue teams in Joust. You can only leave the back area by driving through a tunnel with a Mongoose, that has Teleporters at it's entrance and exit that send you back in the tunnel and to your death respectively. In the Front Middle of the map there is a Custom Powerup (it gives you no increase, nor decrease of traits) Switch that drops Deployable Cover with grav lifts. Directly in the middle of Foundry, there is an Open Double Box for "cover". Near the wall that separates the two sides of the back area of Foundry there is a Flare. Both left and right of Foundry's main area, there are the structures that the Deployable covers will drop from and Firebombs to blind the Zombies. To the left and right of the switch, there are extra Mongeese if the Zombies decide to drive them selves and try to splatter the humans instead of relying on their passenger to slash the humans. Squads' Zombie spawn and one of Joust's team spawn. Entrance of the tunnel launch system. Exit of Launch system. The open middle double box. Flare Spawn. Firebomb Spawn. The switch before activation. Result of hitting the switch. Joust Description: Joust is 2v2 only VIP gametype designed for this map. It has VIPs on the passenger seats of mongeese with swords slashing at each other just like a Medieval Joust, but with Spartans, and energy swords. The non-VIPs are Invulnerable, are able to drive the mongeese and get Camo, but only when close to the VIP. So it should look like two mongeese driving at each other with no drivers but with passengers flailing energy swords at each other. A normal turnout of this game, drivers getting close to each other... ...the VIPs slash at each other... ...until someone dies or gets away. Squads Description: Squads is a larger Party gametype that requires a lot of teamwork. The Zombies must kill the humans by splattering or slashing, and the humans must survive by jumping, blinding, pushing off coarse and misleading the Zombies with Firebombs, Deployable Covers, Magnums and a Flare. This game is not about driving you mongoose as fast as you can like most other Mongoose related mini-games, but more of a steady driving and coordination with you passenger. A quick tip would be when playing Squads on Quads would be to slash the humans when they are beside or behind you, trying to get them when they are in front of you normally ends up with you slashing your driver, which does nothing since the zombies are invincible, and Friendly Fire is off. An overview of the madness randomness. Even when upside down, the Quads can splatter you. The Flare is placed so that if you pick it up and the Zombies follow you, you're cornered. The blindingness of the firebombs. Standing on top of the deployable cover can be difficult to achieve, but very rewarding. Timing of Deploying the cover is also very usefull. Shooting the Zombies can be an annoyance for the driver, as long as many humans help. _________________________________________________ Thank you to H3C x Nevz for making the spiced up action shot at the top of this post, and Deathtoll77 for playing this during his TGIF (even though people didn't obey the honor rules, appearently). Download Quads Download Joust Download Squads
wow looks intense but what if the vip just stayed were you start? It looks well forged and planned . hope to see il download. for now 4/5 keep it up.
4/5? also, if they stay in the starting tunnels, they see the shape of my boot. Nice job finally posting this map speedycrepes. I would also like to add, Don't leave without your teammates when you are the zombie, then everyone is just driving around on mongeese trying to splatter people, which generally doesnt work. Also, If your mongoose is on fire and you ram somebody, they are much more likely to die. Sometimes, if people are near a deployable cover, and you destroy it with your sword, it kills all the people with in a certain proximity.
I'm glad you finally posted it. Let me just say that it was a blast to forge and test the map with you guys. I really hope we make mor collab maps in the future because this one really turned out great. The switch puts a clever spin on a rather simple map. Also I think adding the aesthetics really made a difference in the appearance of the map in a positive way.
Haha, and I was just thinking of making this game not 2 days ago, what a coincidence. I really like your map and the two gametypes that come with it, especially Squads because I like teamwork based Infection games where you need to survive. Great Job and map, 10/10.
It is pretty interesting when 2 people (DieHardAssassin and myself) are jumping around in an old map of his, wondering what we can make next. Next thing you know it Diehard has an idea and is already adding to the launching system, I'm off making the switch system, 2 more people join, (Speed e cake and MERCER) and we have a full blown mini-game. I LOVE IT! I think my favorite gametype would be Sqauds, because I like big party games and everyone has a blast playing it. The only problem is that people don't seem to get how to play it very easy. But after explaining it about 100 times and the party doesn't grow any larger, then everyone is having a good time. Congrats on one of Diehard's more Aesthetically pleasing maps, lol.
Wow I played this game the other day with a couple of pals, and I'll tell you what, we had a blast. This is a definite download on my xbox, and it will stay there forever! GREAT JOB! 6/5! My favorite part is the gametype, great job!
Thanks alot for the positive feedback on the map. Im glad you liked playing this game. Also, Speed e Cake, you might want to add a larger overview picture of the map itself, and make it the first picture. Then, more people will actually look at this post, rather than skip it because it looks like mongoose stuff on foundry (bore).
how in the name of good did no one ever think of this before? anyway looks really nice well made, yadda yadda great geomerging love the distratcion idea
I played this at DeathTolls TGIF and I love it. (Although I could not play in the beginning because of my lagtacular) This is extreme fun. If I compare this with tremor and mouse, and I have to say, I prefer this one. It looks awesome and plays awesome, it gets my 5/5. And if making a v2, some more geomerging would be nice. But since this is not that important, I dl.