
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by IronOxide42, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. IronOxide42

    IronOxide42 Forerunner

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    So this is Quadruplet. This tiny little map was created with Multi-Team in mind. It then went out of that idea, and is now more of a 1 on 1 style map, although it plays well with Team Doubles as well. I would suggest never playing with more than 8 players, and not more than 4 when doing free-for-all. A 4-team 16-player match would be... Interesting.

    Anyways, on to map details! The map is, obviously, a small map. Because of this, it went through a few types, settling on this one. The problem was with power weapons. I originally had an energy sword on top of the middle area. That was too powerful, so I settled for a Concussion Rifle. After a few more tries, it settled with a DMR. And yes, the DMR plays like a power weapon on this map.

    Nonetheless, Quadruplet is a rotationally symmetrical map with four bases, all exactly the same. If you split the map like a pizza, all the "slices" will show up looking the same when laid side-by-side.

    Each team has a base, although it is less of a base, as much as it is an initial spawn. The map is so small, that there isn't much more of a base feel to any of the areas after the start.


    The center area has a cross-within-a-square shape.



    On top of the center building is a DMR. As mentioned above, it plays as the map's power weapon.


    Quadruplet is a map to play offline. That is what it was meant for, whatever the idea started as. It is mainly a slayer map, although i made it work with most others (Infection is CHAOS). Have fun with it!
  2. ProfessorFox

    ProfessorFox Ancient
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    hmmmm... seems very uninteresting. some small maps are great, but there's a point when it gets too small. I don't know. it vaguely reminds me of shipment from call of duty 4. Ill dl and have a look, but i don't have much hope for this map.
  3. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    You might want to try using the team-colour setting for each quadrant to help players distinguish their location. Right now it seems as if it would be really easy to get split up from your partner and there would be no landmarks to regroup. It also lets you break free of that bland, all-grey look that bores players after playing for an extended amount of time. The colours would add some much needed atmosphere to the map, giving it some depth and variety.
  4. IronOxide42

    IronOxide42 Forerunner

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    It actually goes into red, blue, green, and orange quadrants depending on what team colors are playing. Good point with the landmarks though. =P

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