
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by xSharpshooter94, Jan 1, 2009.

  1. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    I checked this out in Forge since I am somewhat of a Conquest enthusiast. I like the build and the claustrophobic feel. My following comments are based solely on my knowledge of Conquest and not on my experience with the map itself.

    First, bubble shields or any other form of equipment are typically a no no. The point of conquest is a tug or war with the team that has more strength pushing through to conquer. Bubble shields disrupt this flow typically. If you are aiming for a variation of Conquest then this is fine, but if you want a true Conquest map then I would suggest getting rid of them.

    Second, the weapon set is essentially correct, but you could definitely use a sniper effectively here, as well as a Brute shot. Both Conquest stalwarts.

    And last, the territory markers. You have a quick 3 captures, but then a long run through the rest of the room and over a bridge before you get to the neutral territory. I would make the starting room the room with no territory since it is fairly small anyways and make the bridge 1, the room 2 and the second bridge 3, then the neutral territory, then mirror that for the opposing team. If you do this then I may also suggest making the neutral room slightly bigger. You still have a bunch of materials and you should easily be able to do this.

    Other than those suggestions I think you guys did a bang up job. Good stuff and I hope to see a v2 :0)
  2. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    winly suggestions from creeping. We were thinking of adding a sniper but im only going to put one clip in it. I don,t think a brute shot is good though, too explody. as for the territories. I was playing last night and noticed that to...i will fix them as you said and the neutral room...would another box bigger work? if you want you can respond in pm but posting here is fine too. Thanks for the praise and feedback. Also when im done should i submit this to the book of conquest?
  3. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    No prob Sharp, and another Box would be nice. You have some room behind that neutral room that would allow you to expand the depth a touch, which is all you should need.

    And yes, you should contact Predicide and request that he puts it in there. He houses all variants and builds for Conquest related things and it will fit right in.
  4. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Well at first we had deployable covers, but that failed because you could use them very easily to get back up to the top with. Then sharp added bubble shields, but I didnt know if it was good or bad so it stuck.

    I wonder how we are going to add a neutral room, does that mean we are going to basically cut out half the map and start over on the other half to make room for the neutral room?

    Sounds good to me
  5. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    no alex were going to breadown the wall were the dumpster rests, extend the room and rebuild the wall. fairly simple. ill do it later.
  6. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    I agree with everything Creeping said. Follow all his changes and you'll definitely have a great conquest map.
  7. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    well thank you whisper as you guys can see i posted v2 updateds. the inactive will turn red and say active when the change is in the version currently up for DL.
  8. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    You know that the only way we are going to extend is in depth because width wise we have no room.
    But I guess the sniper will be a good idea for this map because of its size, as long as we set the respawn time to about 60 seconds and add no extra clips to it.
  9. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    yeah i think ill put it on the weapon holders where the bubbles are now. well test to see how it plays.
  10. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Beat you to it, lol. It's k, I link to your Forge Hub post, not to the file, so any changes you make will be on you. I think it's a great fit.

    I'm looking it over in Forge and I think you guys have made some good decisions. The actual capture areas are not on the bridges, except for a couple. That way there's jumping room when you are defending/capturing, but the famous Conquest halls that you have to travel are set up to be as action-packed as possible. Also, this sets it apart from Chasm.

    Looks great, excellent work.
  11. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    A truly interesting map this is... just waiting to play this is making me excited... I shall get on halo and play with sharp later... until then....

    What an interesting thing you have pulled together here. The linear design is simply amazing... and i'm wondering how it is going to play. And because there aren't any weapons you can really ***** with the shields, i'm also wondering what effect they are going to have on the game.

    It would be truly interesting to see this featured, and I'm excited.

    Now fine gentlemen, I would like to leave you with this picture... of sharp's mom (warning, not for the feint of heart
    The real pic has been deletified, but I still have it =P... pm me if you wanna c it
  12. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    How the **** did you get a picture of andrew's mom? haha wow.

    Ok thanks for the comment, picking the weapons for this map was one of the hardest parts of this map, that and trying to deal with the people jumping from bridge to bridge.
  13. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I have my ways mr. avatar.
    It's called MYSPACE lolz
    sorry about that... no more spam from me, just answering a question
  14. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    thanks for taking the pic down and the v2 update will be up tonight so be prepare for even more epicness.
  15. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Ok did you test it with the sniper at all andrew, all though I dont think we really need to because it should fit well.

    Glad the v2 is up, also am glad you got the overview picture in there. BTW what fileshare is it on?
  16. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    ii tested and its all good but yeah guys the v2 is up the post is all good and im going to bed. goodnight guys.
  17. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    I played 2 games of Conquest on Quadrividium, and im sorry to say but it completely failed. It failed mostly because of the reason you could cheat. I was constantly jumping over and across the fence wall bridges. Epic spawn killing then ensued in the game after I did that because then The other team would spawn at my base. It was very strange. The weapons were placed rather far apart for conquest and it diminished its playablility by an extremely large amounts. We, as the players and I, didnt have any weapons to fight back with as we got spawn killed five or so paces from our base. The weapons were all seperated in neutral rooms and only a Battle Rifle and a set of Spike Grenades were somewhat near us. I also didnt like how you kind of copied the idea for Chasm. That was somewhat unoriginal. The Death Pit you created failed completely. We had to walk to our deaths and nobody wants to knowingly walk to their death. Also we could walk around down there and pick off remaining teammates from the opposition.

    I have to give this map a D+ or a 4.8/10
  18. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Thats weird, from all the problems you mentioned, in testing I never had those problems. Did you download the recent version of the map because it sounds like you shouldn't have those problems.

    We never had the idea of copying chasm. We had this map built before even knowing the map exist. ( In my perspective ).

    I never had spawn killing problems unless the game was unbalanced ( 4 vs 2) or something. Then you might have problems.
  19. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    No I didnt try the v2 and I will but I dont think it will change my opinion by much.
    I highly doubt two things:
    1. You probably didnt change the whole width of the map to take off the cheating problem
    2. You probably did not create this map before Chasm. Chasm as far as I know has been a work in progress for a month or so because it was in a sketchup for a long time at the GoO. Also It was in testing stages for god knows how long.
  20. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    It may not change your opinion, but I never said this map was built before Chasm I just wanted to say that I was working on this before I knew that Chasm existed. But I have to say when we were done I looked searched around on FH and came upon Chasm. The next day, Sharpshooter mentioned that to me while we were testing I believe.

    I have to say, I really didnt have problems in testing from people jumping frrom bridge to bridge. It just wasn't worth it. Because the chances of making it were very low.

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