I'm not sure if this is the right spot to post it, but I figured I would get the quickest answer here so sorry if I'm in the wrong spot! I was wondering where if there was a certain program you use to create those cool graphic titles that you guys have for you maps. If there is, what is it? Thanks!
Most people probably use Photoshop (costs $), I use Corel Photo Paint ($), or you can download Gimp (free). Though Gimp is more complicated... I know how to use it though and do, since I have a linux OS.
You can get a photoshop free 30 day trial, and make one before it expires. Hmm..this is probably more of a graphic and arts section, or CS, buts its ok.
~Moved to G&A GIMP isn't that complicated once you get used to it, it's very similar to photoshop. Check out GIMPShop if you want a less complicated, more photoshop-esque GIMP.