Welcome to a small 2x2 world of destruction madness and chaos. Welcome to Qisaira (Pronounced: Kee-sar-e-uh). Here is the layout: [You'll have to excuse the pics till I can upload some better ones.] [align=center] [/align] The Overview This map features four unique rooms each with their own distinct features. Room 1: (Also called the Red Room) is fairly simple. It provides an access route to the enemy and vise-versa,. Screen: Next your have Room 2: Aka the Blue Room, The blue room has the same features as the red. Except this one has the Sniper Room Switch Pic of the Switch: The "other blue room": The other blue room is not actually blue but it is implied. This room contains a rear access ramp to the top walk way. And it also has teleporters into the sNiper Room! But be careful, rush in there too early you might just get punished for it. Screen: The other "red room" is very simple. There's really nothing unique about it! And then finally the SNIPER ROOM!!!! I'm not going to show you much about since I want you to find that out yourselves... Screen: And thats it for Qisaira. Please leave your feedback. Don't comment about the map if you havent played on it! Download the MAP!!!!! Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Whats Next? - Whats in it? - Fixed walls (no more outside camping) - Sniper Room (you'll have to wait and see) - Layout (More places to hide, and another room possibly) - Weapons (obviously a lot more) - Custom GameType (Called Decay [slayer based])
I'll give this a try. One thing i'll say before I download is, the spawns seem like they could use some fixing, it seems that players are getting spawned right back in the action without time to realize what's happening. Secondly, some of your walls along the outside seem a little crooked. I'm no neatness ****, so I don't really care if all the walls and floors and even, you'll just want to make sure it doesn't effect gameplay. Also cleaning up the walls and floor, aesthetics in general would help you if a review team member rated this. Review Time!! Durability: Unfortunately, the map as it is right now is breakable. A grenade jump will easily get you over the second story walls. This is especially bad because all around the map there are blocks sticking out, so a team could gain the lead and easily cheat their way to victory. The spawns were like I though they would be in my pre-review. You have about $200 left so I would say add more cover to the spawn areas in the center of the map. The map should probably be for no more than 2v2 MAYBE 3v3. I played Slayer (1v1) and it didn't take long to find your opponent. Aesthetics: The aesthetics look pretty good. Some things I noticed that might be considered distracting to players, is how the bright blue light in the center reflects off of the gold columns. Other than a few crooked walls and a few little bumps in the floor, i'd say that you did a decent job overall with the aesthetics. Weapons: Weapons need fixing and a lot more balancing throughout the map, not just in one place. I say one place, because that's where every weapon I could find was. Right now you have a shotgun, BR and a SMG spawning right next to each other on that middle column. That needs to be fixed immeadiately. Also the sniper room is easily campable and overpowered. I will cover this more later. Layout: You've got some things on this map that most people will find unattractive in a competitive map. I'm talking about the teleporter death trap. While they are funny they aren't meant to be in a competitive map. Also it can be very hard to remember which teleporter is the 'deathporter' and which is the teleporter that takes you up to camp sniper. Now we're back to the sniper. Overpowered is an understatement when it comes to the sniper and location in which it is obtained. It's not only hard to survive against someone who has the sniper, but it's also hard to use the sniper on this map. The room where it spawns is so blue, i'm suprised Eiffel 65 didn't mention it in his song "I'm Blue". Useless similies aside (is that a similie, I'm no english major) the sniper spawn, like the rest of the weapons need to be changed. Onto the biggest problem with the '+' layout. Lines of sight are absolutely everywhere. You couldn't get out of someones scope if you wanted to. I would recommend taking off the lights and FX and use the money to build your walls higher and add oodles and oodles of cover. Still ,even with all these problems gameplay wasn't all bad. Besides the fact that I was damn near spawn-killed a couple times. I hope you take my advice positively, I struggled with my competitive map at first too, but I took others advice and I can see progress. As of right now, 1/4 (I'll gladly change this rating if you make a v2 addressing these problems).
about the walls, the crookedness of the walls does not affect gameplay at all. In fact, during gameplay, unless you look extremely hard, you come to find the I merged objects in with the walls to hide gaps and things of the such.
I gave this map a download and here are my thoughts.. The overall map, I would say was over advertised I guess. You made it seem a lot better than what I thought it was. I really like the colors of the map and how the contrast, especially the middle column. I would also agree that 4v4 is too many and should be a 2v2. The deathtrap I thought was unnecessary. You talked about the sniper room alot so I gave it a try and I kept dieing from it. If you were in a clan match and that happend the people would be eXtremely unhappy! It would be okay for a group of friends, but for ForgeHub members it's not needed. The sniper room was cool, but too crowded. You put too much lighting in the room and a quick grenade and you would be out of there. You need an escape for it. Also fix those random blocks outside the map, because like stated previously..it could be used as a victory strategy. The things I did like though was the little walkway on the second story. If you added some guns and grenades that could be a HUGE improvement for the map. That was my favorite part. The map could use some work, but is definently not a terrible map. I'd love to see a v2 of it. (1/4) Keep up the work though and I want to see more of some maps by you!
Layout: Unfortunatley, I've tried making more weapons around the map. Did you try building anything in Forge? Because as of now it says: "Could not Create object, too many on map." Ill take your advice, and I admit the walls do need a bit of fixing. The only problem with making the walls one level higher would be the amount of walls im allowed to build. It took almost all of the Double Walls and a fairly decent amount of Walls just to create the surroundings of the "+". That is supposed to be one of the disadvantages of the Sniper Room, visibility. I can take the light out of the room and gladly put it under the Telelporter Room, but then the LOS would be too great. As I'm aware that its already fairly easy to snipe people. I had this other Idea in the back of my mind when I was creating this map. I was thinking that in the four sides of the +, on the bottom walkways, merger some objects into the Double Blocks to provide some sort of duck and cover sort of theme. It was next on the list until I couldn't build anymore items. I really only wanted a shotgun in the middle. I can't quite remember why I put the BR and SMG there. I thought of that when I played it. It seems I can't position the light to where it doesn't glow off of something, be it the Sniper Room, or the columns in the center of the map. I might just end up deleting it. Sorry if I'm going out of order here. But, I guess for the Telelporter, to stop people from getting in there the first few seconds of the game, would be to delete the light in the sniper room, delete the teleporter outside the map and the block over it, and just block off the teleporter in the center of the sniper room. But, the Grav Lift spawns in the air when the switch is activated, and I'm not sure if it'll push the Small Block from off the top of the Teleporter node. This goes back again to adding another whole layer of walls to the top. I don't think I'll have enough Walls. About the jutting out parts I have no control over because all of the Large Blocks are used for the walkways of the +. Not taking too long to find your opponent is why I created the top walkway to provide some sort of sneakiness for the other Team.
Ahh you've hit maximum item limit. Well all I can recommend is making it compatible with less gametypes to preserve items. Or if your willing, start from scratch and re-build it on a money glitched canvas. About making the walls higher, don't forget about good ol' wall t's. I'm glad to see your taking our advice so positively. This will only help make your map better.
I forgot about t-walls! Is there a money glitched sandbox canvas? Another thing... I am actually working on V2.0 right now.... Changes so far: - no more cheating, those corner blocks are gone - Added more cover for areas - added more weapons -Deleting gametypes Although I think I'm going to keep KOTH I am now going to read that guide on advanced weapon placement Also about the T walls, Theres only twenty of them and it takes roughly 82 more regular walls to create a new level.... I have no more Double walls btw.
Yes, there are money-glitched Sandbox canvases, lots of them. Another way I thought of, would be to re-build the map on the main floor or the crypt so that you don't have to use items for the floor. HERE is a really good canvas if your interested in completely redoing it.
Thanks! I'll make a Qisaira v3.0 in like a month so thanks! BTW Qisaira 2.0 is ready... I'm making the thread now... If you wanna play add Jewelz77.