News Q & A with Halo CE Game Designer - Feb. 3rd!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by theSpinCycle, Jan 22, 2015.

By theSpinCycle on Jan 22, 2015 at 9:58 PM
  1. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Have you ever wondered why your favorite Halo map is designed like it is? Here's your chance to get the inside scoop.

    Hardy Lebel Header.png

    Hardy Lebel, the game designer for Halo: Combat Evolved, is hosting an upcoming 30 minute webinar to answer our questions about level design! Apart from his work on Halo CE, you might already know of him from his regular blogs on game development on, or from his creative consultancy work on Halo 2.

    What began with a simple question asked by a community member over Twitter ("Was 'Quick Camo' intentional in Halo CE?") has blossomed into an ongoing conversation between Halo fans and one of the series' most-loved game designers.

    We at Forgehub are excited at the chance to peek behind the curtain and get a glimpse into the mind of Hardy Lebel, the man responsible for one of the greatest games ever created and arguably the father of the console FPS industry. What we need from you are your questions for him.

    Please post any questions about level design you have for Hardy Lebel in this thread. The staff will compile these questions and forward them to "Professor Lebel" so he can review them before his live level design webinar on February 4th.

    Hardy LeBel was responsible for designing some of the most iconic maps in the entire Halo franchise:
    Battle Creek
    Boarding Action
    Chiron 13
    Rat Race

    He also worked closely with PMarks on "Hang em' High"

    Now's our chance to grow our collective knowledge about Halo and its roots - so start asking those burning questions!

    --Your Forgehub Staff


    Who: Hardy Lebel, game designer for Halo: Combat Evolved and creative consultant for Halo 2

    What: A 30 minute public Question and Answer session on Level Design

    When: February 3rd, 2015 at 6pm Pacific Standard Time

    Where: Google+

    EDIT: Here it is!

    #1 theSpinCycle, Jan 22, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2015
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by theSpinCycle, Jan 22, 2015.

    1. WAR
      What were some of the maps you designed for Halo CE?
      EDIT: we have a response from Lebel via twitter: LINK
      Last edited: Jan 23, 2015
    2. Xandrith
      When designing a map, is it better to just throw ideas out until one sticks or to predetermine the style of your map before the creation process?
    3. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      Why didn't you call the webinar "LeBel Design"? :p

      Do you recommend designing particular areas of maps with specific weapon placements in mind, or designing a map and then thinking about weapon placements afterward?

      Some people are of the opinion that the reason the maps in Halo CE work so brilliantly is because of the games physics and weapon sandbox rather than because the level design is superior. What are your thoughts on this opinion?

      If you could take 1 multiplayer level from any Halo game other than CE and add it to the CE map pool, which map would it be and why?
      theSpinCycle, WAR and purely fat like this.
    4. Stevo
      What was your favourite weapon from CE?
      Why was the Energy Sword not usable by Spartans, but Covenant Vehicles (the ghost / Banshee) were? Did anyone contradict the idea of not being able to pick up the Energy Swords?

      If you could change one thing about Halo: CE, what would you change?

      Do you prefer playing on Asymmetrical maps that appear to serve a function other than being a multiplayer map (like an industrial plant, or city), or symmetrical arena maps that serve no purpose outside of being a killing box (yet still look good and have a theme etc...)?
    5. purely fat
      purely fat
      it was the sandbox as well as spawning that made ce what it was
    6. theSpinCycle
      Some Halo CE maps have names that don't immediately correllate to the map's environment (Damnation and Prisoner come to mind). Can you give us an insight on how names were selected for the Halo CE maps?

      In your blogs you've emphasized "subtraction" as a very useful design tool. What is the biggest thing that you had to subtract from Halo CE before release, and how did its removal effect the finished game experience?

      If you could give one piece of advice to a first-time level designer (Halo or otherwise), what would it be?
    7. TheElderAcorn
      Do you think the height variation on the Halo CE maps set the gameplay apart from other Halo's? Maps like Damnation and Prisoner rely on top control gameplay, what are your thoughts behind this style gradually fading in recent Halo's?
      picklepig7 likes this.
    8. Thomas Mayfield
      Thomas Mayfield
      My question is also asking for a little advice as well. If I where to go straight into the industry right now and design 3D Environments would there 1. Be any tips and tricks to creating an environment (I use Maya by the way) and 2. does the layout of map change to suit the look of the map or the other way around.
    9. WAR
      Why and when did you stop designing for Halo? Was the change in gameplay mechanics a factor in your decision to leave the franchise?
    10. WAR
      Outside of your own designs, what is your favorite Halo map and why?
    11. purely fat
      purely fat
      Why are the maps you designed so bad?

      Battle Creek has the most boring setup and the pure lack of necessity to be inside unless it is ctf.

      Blood Gulch a four year old could design this map.

      Boarding Action layout is confusing to traverse even with the same thing staring at you across the map. Confrontation that occur on the same side of the map can be just downright awkward.

      Chiron does not need anything said for it. The map is a mess.

      Derelict places way to much emphasis on top control. Everything that is important is on the top and by abusing this and the spawn system you can spawn kill and never give the other team a chance to break the setup.

      Longest- overpowered grenades plus skinny as hallways equals misery

      Rat Race- I like rat race, but the game tends to turn into a nade throwing contest on the camo and os ramps.

      Sidewinder-giant ****ing dead space that just makes the map even more of a bottle neck

      Wizard- the map promotes bad spawning and combined with every route going up top being completely exposed it can be very difficult to get control back because of the initial spawning often putting one team member next to both guys on the other team.

      I honestly wouldn't want to ask him a question based on his maps that he is responsible for. His maps are overly simple and with sandbox being so strong the maps just don't promote fun and interesting gameplay.
      Last edited: Jan 24, 2015
    12. Zerk
      To all the maps you took part in, would you make any changes to them today? If so what would you change and on what map?
      WAR likes this.
    13. WAR
      What are you thoughts on shields vs shields and health (bleedthrough)?
    14. picklepig7
      What is your favorite part of the map design process?

      What things have you obtained inspiration from for maps in the past?
    15. unowht.
      When making a map, what did you use as inspiration?
    16. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      Just a few more days...
      Hardy has updated his blog with a list of questions he's planning to answer:

      There’s a terrific list of questions on Forge Hub, so I thought I’d add the ones I’d like to get to during the webinar below:
      1. Why are the maps you designed so bad?
      2. Some people are of the opinion that the reason the maps in Halo CE work so brilliantly is because of the games physics and weapon sandbox rather than because the level design is superior. What are your thoughts on this opinion?
      3. Do you think the height variation on the Halo CE maps set the gameplay apart from other Halo’s? What are your thoughts behind this style gradually fading in recent Halo’s?
      4. In your blogs you’ve emphasized “subtraction” as a very useful design tool. What is the biggest thing that you had to subtract from Halo CE before release, and how did its removal effect the finished game experience?
      5. Why was the Energy Sword not usable by Spartans?
      6. To all the maps you took part in, would you make any changes to them today?
      7. If you could give one piece of advice to a first-time level designer (Halo or otherwise), what would it be?
      Be sure to tune in on Tuesday, February 3rd at 6PM PST
      theSpinCycle likes this.
    17. Korlash
      I just noticed this now...****.

      It looks like some great questions will be addressed though.

      Q) Onslaught, a legendary Halo 3 forge map used for MLG gametypes, was unpopularly known as "the one true meathouse." What are your thoughts on this?
      Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
    18. SecretSchnitzel
      He's already using a question I submitted via twitter, but could some one ask him for his thoughts on a 3SK vs a 4SK Utility Weapon?
    19. a Chunk

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