
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ZAXLAX 15, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. ZAXLAX 15

    ZAXLAX 15 Forerunner

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    Okay so with the success of my halo 3 map, along with the introduction of forgeworld, i was inspired to create a new map. When i was in myphysics class we started learning about Pythagoras, a mathmetitian known for symmetry. So i started doodleing like always and this is the result

    Prior to Pythagoras's death he drew plans for several buildings that would create an internal explosion greater than all of the halo rings combined, the covenant stole this intel and recreated the buildings to destroy the entire human race

    THis map has one sniper, four DMR's, and two needler rifle's.along with two emergency packs

    This map is set up for all slayer gametypes and capture the flag variants as well(atleast im pretty sure about the CTF).


    Well, heres what everyone really wants to see, the pictures.....

    Initial spawn loadout :)


    View of center from top level

    Down the top of the ceiling onto the sniper bridge
    (cannot make it here in game because of barriers)

    The Center Structure

    Second level lift(one of two)

    Another view of the Sniper Bridge

    A hallway

    Starting spawn and view :)

    Please download and give feedback, all comments are welcome here :)
    #1 ZAXLAX 15, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2010
  2. Hat

    Hat Guest

    This map is a super fast paced map. It's very small, but the spawns are fine (as long as there isn't a giant load of people) This map also doesn't make the top the best part to stay and it doesn't give a certain load out an advantage. Good job, and for v3 try to make it bigger by adding another level. Wanna co-forge?
  3. ZAXLAX 15

    ZAXLAX 15 Forerunner

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    Don't you mean v2? Haha, but yeah I'll coforge with you anyday bro :)
    I fixed that glitch where you could get on the 'ceiling' or 'chandelier'

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