This is my 3rd forged foundry map. The concept is simple, two bases on opposite sides of each other with power weapons in central locations. But I knew that would be FAR too boring. So, I thought of what would make this map worth playing. Thats why its called pyrotechnic. The map has a large space between bases allowing vehicles to play a big role in the gameplay. However, falling from the sky in random order are a bunch of fusion coils which could kill a person, or vehicle. Maybe the next flag run wont be too successful. I have tested this map out for Team slayer, CTF, Oddball, and King of the hill, and it works great! I just posted it on bungie earlier today and so far its recieved a greater response than my previous maps. The second base, vehicles on right (tried to show the exploding boxes in picture) [img width=800 height=450][/img] A view of the 3 story base and central location of map (vehicles are just out of view under the base on the right. The second base, vehicles on right (tried to show the exploding boxes in picture) Please try this map out.... It is just one of my first, feel free to download my other ones. One is called ss1 , my first real map, and the other epitaph V2 which is just a replacement of weapons and some other changes making epitaph work better (the one now sucks) here is my file share if you wish to see that, there is also a video of this map
You need to read this before you post. This is a really good site full of helpful information and cool people that will actually help you out and not flame you and your maps. There's no need to rush in blindly and post stuff without checking out the site first. And you can't do a direct link to your Bungie pics; they won't work.
Yep, I can't see any screenshots. I'm sure this map is fun for people who like wild, chaotic games, but this is not my cup of tea. I don't like the idea of a random fusion coil killing me. I prefer games that come down to skill, not luck.
To the person discouraged by the exploding boxes: They do not affect the gameplay that much. there is plenty of down time from the barrells
I couldnt figure out how to just edit my first post so sorry for the multiple posts. here are the fixed pictures
This appears to be a bit sloppy but I'm sure the gameplay is quite chaotic. If you have any more screenshots please post them, the more the merrier! Thanks and good work.
Don't worry I had the same problem with my first post yesterday. Oh and click modify above your comment or posts to edit.
looks a little disorganized... im sure this is fun to at least run around on and see who gets nailed by fusion coils, but as a regular gametype map, it might be lacking. Its tough to tell without playing it, so i'll give it a shot. Above all else it definitely looks fun to mess around on it. Best of luck with it!
Im just doing this to prove this post wrong but... it sucks man its noobish not ub3r like myy m4pz cuz im uber L337... yup... anyways i dono its kinda too open... but still... good job...