Pyramid Of Doom

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Master Mak X, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. Master Mak X

    Master Mak X Ancient
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    Pyramid Of Doom

    Created by Master Mak X
    "Bringing Back The Horror To Sandtrap"


    Supported Gametypes:

    Map Description
    Pyramid Of Doom is an infection map on Sandtrap where Team Work is not an option. It's a vital tactic. If your team mates abandon you then consider yourself dead. If you abandon your team mates instead, You are a cruel hearted soul who has left those poor souls to their doom.

    The game starts with the survivors in the crypt area of sandtrap and must use teamwork and knowledge to escape the crypt, this is a place where the environment does need to be used. If team work isn't used in these games then consider yourselves a very easy meal for the Mummy.


    You don't have all the time in the world though as just next to the survivors room is the lair of the Mummy. A slow but very powerful and tank like zombie which was awakened by the sound of the excavation tools of the humans and sanghelli which mined for treasures and relics down there. Don't misjudge how easily he can get too you as a skilled player can make it in the survivors room 10 seconds flat and that is a very big dent in completion of the game.


    Eventually some of the survivors may escape the pyramid and drive to salvation and drive to a very safe spot in the map such as the wilderness or the Elephant. As seen in this picture though, one of the survivors is trying to use a warthog the free his trapped companions. This is what team work is all about.


    Unfourtunately, If a survivor is killed by the Mummy's hands then the deceased corpse will become infected and they will become what's know as the Dustlings. Dustlings, unlike the Mummy, are servants to the Mummy that have immense speed and unimaginable jumping force. These advantages however come at the cost of their defense. 1 bullet to the body or head is really enough for an Instant kill, so strategic methods are needed here.


    Map Description:

    So that is basically a description of the map itself so here are some more pictures to improve your opinion of this map.

    Turrets placed on the inside of the crypt can be used for a momentary defense against the Mummy

    The zombie here is as you can see is smashing down the barricade that seperates the Mummy and the Survivors

    Using the Environment around to your advantage in order to escape the wrath of the Mummy

    Zombies can use the back entrance escape route for quicker access to escaped survivors.

    The Elephant plays a big role in the escape and survival of the players

    Thank you all for looking at Pyramid of Doom and opinions about it. Credits to:

    Sensory Flame
    erchie peenkles
    billy the kidde
    Chaos Winged
    XCF Camero
    Metal Mak Z (Me)


    Download SURVIVAL HERE
  2. Master Mak X

    Master Mak X Ancient
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    Fat Kid? I'm insulted how you can relate this map to that hideous gametype. Fat Kid was made by a gay person who just tried to make some imba guy and make a good flow out of it. Survival has been carefully thought about and constructed. Fat Kid is gay, Survival is cool.
  3. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Not bad, I like the whole theme of team work, and it's quite evident that it's been tested. I've made maps like this before when halo 3 first came out, and they're pretty easy to improve upon. I also expect someone to talk about the turrets, and even though they don't do much damage, a coordinated team can easily bring down the mummy. The warthog having to free the other survivors is a nice touch as well. Sadly, the one bad thing about this map is the safe zone. NO. It's unfair, and depending on how long the round is, it'll get really boring. If you're gonna do something like that, you should give the zombies invisibility. Other than that, an okay map. Not sure how many people will dl it however seeing to it that it's not a dlc map, it's okay nevertheless. 3.5/5.

    EDIT: Even though fat kid IS gay(retarded to be the zombie)at least the guy who made it made the map and didn't have to resort to making one on a preset map.
    #3 Rifte, Mar 21, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  4. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    "NO racism, sexism, abuse of power or discrimination of any kind is tolerated. This includes use of derogatory terms towards sexuality, race, gender, etc."

    This was taken directly off of the site rules (the link is at the top of the page). Do not use adolescent and immature terms such as "gay" and "retarded". It simply makes you seem like an unintelligent bigot. These terms offer nothing to help his map improve. If you have an opinion, share it in a way that it would not be construed as simply a hit on the maker of the map. Instead, offer some tips on what you think could help make the map better (constructive criticism)

    Anyway, on to the map.
    Things I like about the map:
    -It's on Sandtrap (pre-DLC is very rare around here)
    -It's a survival type game
    -You must use teamwork to survive

    Ordinarily, I would say some things that need improving, but because of the limited forging abilities of Sandtrap, it seems to be as improved as it's going to get. I would DL, but my Xbox broke. It seems like playtesting would be the best way to get a feel for this map (actually, I think that goes for every map)
    #4 AItius, Mar 21, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  5. Master Mak X

    Master Mak X Ancient
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    Sorry about that. It's just that I really get a bit edgy when people say stuff like that. Sometimes If I get ticked off I get carried away with it. I'm sorry if I sounded like a jerk. I won't do it again.
  6. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    Sorry to say it, but this pretty much is fat kid. I downloaded and played it, and it's fun, and has teamwork, but nonetheless this is just a fat kid Pre-DLC map. I have to give you credit for Pre-DLC, and how well you planned it out, but sorry, it is Fat Kid. And if the person who made fat kid is --- then you are too for remaking it.
  7. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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  8. Fenian Bhoy

    Fenian Bhoy Ancient
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    whoa this looks amazing it really reminds you how dominant sandtrap was before the halo 3 DLC came along and then foundry became number 1.
    This has inspired me to make a lot more of my maps based on survival and teamwork
    keep on forging
  9. Master Mak X

    Master Mak X Ancient
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    Damn I really tried to liven up the spirit of this not being fat kid. Sigh nevermind. I just have to get over people calling the Alpha Zombie fat kid. Shame, I really liked the idea of Mummy :)

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