
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by furious charlie, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. furious charlie

    furious charlie Ancient
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    Created by Anth789 and furious charlie

    Supported Gametypes: Solving is the only gametype that can be used on Puzzlution

    Recommended players: 1 player is best but can be done with up to 4 (no cheating though!)

    After playing on numerous puzzle maps with my friends, me and Anth789 decided that we would have a go at one ourselves. We took inspiration from many maps that we have played and used it to create a challenging map that we feel everyone can enjoy. Puzzlution uses a checkpoint system that stops all those unnecessary deaths putting you right back at the start of the map. Take a different approach to each puzzle and you may survive! Constructive criticism is welcomed, any problems with the map (none of the testers found any) please mail me or anth789.

    Download Puzzlution

    Download Solving gametype <---Required!

    1st puzzle [​IMG]

    2nd puzzle [​IMG]

    3rd puzzle[​IMG]

    3rd checkpoint and all of the structures in the sky[​IMG]

    1st puzzle after passing through the last checkpoint

    2nd puzzle after passing through the last checkpoint

    The final puzzle

    If your super clever this is what you will see at the end[​IMG]
    The checkpoint room[​IMG]
    If you having trouble solving the map here’s a link to the youtube video YouTube - Puzzlution Solution

    Download Puzzlution

    Download Solving gametype
    #1 furious charlie, Jul 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2009
  2. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    Its a good map and all (especially for your first) but the mongoose clipping in the beginning is what you want to stay away from. Most people hate trying to find hidden mongooses in a puzzle map. A little interlocking would have been nice also, but it is not necessary. But overall for your first map, 8/10. Great job!

    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I dinent find too much Creativity or originality in this puzzle map. My main criticism would be is I thought it was averagely creative, There were original in few parts but I felt it got a little repetitive after the few first challenges, its stuff I seen before, just done in a different way. There was also a lot of turret and mongoose clipping, not a big fan of that, overall though it was an ok constructed puzzle map and a fun one.
  4. Samus Aran 1337

    Samus Aran 1337 Ancient
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    Its good at the beginning but at "Golf ball part" its freakin annoying when you get ball to the receiver node then only one little step and your ball fall down at the edge. But Overrall 7/10 very good!
  5. furious charlie

    furious charlie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thankyou for your comments! They will be taken into consideration. And Samus aran its easiest to shoot the ball instead of pushing it.

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