Puzzle Map Objective Help

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Smokemonster, Oct 29, 2010.

  1. Smokemonster

    Smokemonster Forerunner

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    So ima bit noob, my apologies in advance, but I'm trying to froge a puzzle map where 2 players need work together to get one flag from one end of the map to the other. The problem is i'm not sure which version of CTF i need to use. I have tried one flag ctf but the game only works if youre on offense so if you spawn on defence then you need to commit suicide to start a new round as offense which is annoying. Is there a way around this, e.g. a non team specific flag? Ive tried to make neutral flag ctf but i cant get the capture plate labels right and so while i have managed to make the flag spawn in a neutral CTF game, i have no where to put the flag as the capture plate is inactive... Also is there a way to limit the number of players allowed in game to 2 as my map only works with 2 people? Hope someone can help as this has been driving me nuts. Also if someone wants to help test the map let me know. Its almost complete just needs a few tweaks here and there
  2. Der Flatulator6

    Der Flatulator6 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Only thing I can think of off the top of my head is stockpile, use a neutral flag, and make the players on the same team (red) then use the objective plate on 15 sec capture.

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