In case you guys didn't notice, in the latest weekly update Bungie announced they're increasing the player limit of push to talk to 6. To quote the update: "Push to Talk Restriction Increased Since Halo 3’s release, if a player were to join a Matchmaking playlist with a team size larger than four, he or she would have to push a button on the DPad to communicate directly to their team. After the January update, the PTT restriction is being increased to 6 players per team, meaning that players will not need to use the D-pad to communicate on any Matchmaking playlist but Social Big Team." Will you guys be using this over party chat now? I'm guessing this was the motivation behind the move, to prevent lone people from being cut off from communication with a group.
i'm glad they are doing that because it gets very annoying having to tap the d pad over and over. Especially when you're calling out.
I think you should have to push it no matter what in matchmaking. I hate the high-pitched noises some children call their voice, the horrible singing, and the mics that have static issues. Is it really that big of a deal? You just need to go down 3 inches at most and push the d-pad. I think they should take it off custom games, but not matchmaking.