great, you posted it. I was involved in a testing session of this and I can happily say I was pleased. Its surprisenly smooth and will go down as a great 2 v 2 map. It was one of the best box maps I've played, the transaction around the map were quick and creative. You used the bridges well, creating tunnels. The power weapons, sniper and Rocket launcher were on ground level, making it harder to pick up. King of the hill was the funnest, odd ball was good but it will get repetitive because like us we would hide in the middle of the two tunnels. To my knowledge its not escapable, so kudos to Vorpal. Game play can be fast even with 2 v 2, It seems like freeforall would work well but I'm yet to play that on this map. There's a lot of cover, placed well, even the barriers which I'm not a big fan of. Some random structures, like the two the stairs, but it serves its purpose so theres no reason to complain. Something that I found very intriguing is the window panel bridge, Its an easy jump across but I've never seen it done before, its very creative and original, but a slight bump. None the less good job. Overall great map, very fun game play, the wall curve instead of being a classic box, this gives a player somewhere to aim with grenades, which helped in king of the hill. Very smooth map, very interesting if i say so myself. The movement from the map is great and has its share of eye candy, definitely one for the Hard drive. Hope you had a chance to read all of that, not as long as my other posts but to some it up, great map, keep forgeing. -DRiSCOLL
This was definitely a great map when we tested it. The teams had an even chance to win, no matter the gametype and despite the couple of bad spawns {Im sure you've fixed it} gameplay was quite enjoyable. The aesthetics are great and even though its nothing groundbreaking, its not a bad map to look at. All the tunnels were great and really added to the map making it feel smaller in some places, then an open field in other places. Im actually glad that you added spike grenades instead of plasmas or regular nades, because then the tunnels would probably been easy to grenade spam. So after testing I have two major compliments to give you. 1.) Great job and then mini-walkway tunnel thing leading to the attackers spawn. It's my favorite spot on the map simply because of its cover, and not cover. Hopefully you understood that. 2.) The map probably is one of the few maps that can properly use a flare. Most maps that have it fail with it or its not used at all, but here it's worth fighting over.
all i have to say is ha. I've read all these post and i got to say a lot of you think the way i do. and others just typed a post to have a post . I read them and noticed a lot of them just said great interlocking/geomerging. Its kinda annoying, you think he wants to here that. here vorpal here's what i honestly thought. At first when I looked at the map i was kinda amazed. i really liked the geomerged wall in the 1st pic. The window pannels actually caught my eye for some reason because i've truly never seen that done before. And those single boxes that werent interlocked into the double boxes (pic 2) wasnt bad at all. I mean sure he could have interlocked them and it would have looked a little bit neat, but it didn't really affect the game play at all, which gets me started. I did download the gametypes and the game, i played 2v2 with my bros and dad. and 3v3 with my bros and some friends. Team king was most definetly my favorite. Its great spawns, and great king spawn made it interesting. (and my team won). Not to be harsh but i didnt care much for the oddball. but ive never liked odd ball. The slayer was intense and i liked it. although it took me a while to find the sinper. lol. Its took me this long to get to you because i downloaded about 10 maps and had a game night last night. This one was my favorite. The athestics was nice and the overall map led everyone on there toes. All the possible routes made the game even more incredible. The weapon placement was good. I will also have to disagree with some people becuase i liked the spike nades. It made it less hard to stick peopole which is what mainly ruins the map (nades). To get back on topic i thought the map was one of your best. its staying on my hardrive and im really impressed in this map even though it started out random. (it turned out nice) I'll definelty not let this map die out from my harddrive because they'll be a lot more games from it Now thats how a post should be, and what i said is all true. You guys cant go buy pics on a map u need to dl, look at the maps, test it, and then reply. Not to affend anyone im just saying i think vorpal and the rest of the community would like it if people would dl there maps before giving critisim. overall 5/5 thanks for the map
Thanks for the great post! --Yeah, I'd wish more would reply like that but I got to make due. I'm also curious on how the 3v3's went? (I would assume not so good) --and I don't like oddball that much either, but it seems like a good thing for a 2v2 map. =]
Well it was actually better than what i thought. There was a little bit spawning because 3 people could controll the area easier, but not too bad at all, The koth was definetly the best for the 3v3 and 2v2, glad you liked my post it took 12 mins. lol
Oh yes, the dreaded triangular hole of death. Very dangerous, approach with extreme caution. But seriously, this map is really well forged and thought up. This is top-notch quality, considering you geomerged everything but approx 3 objects. Those bridge tunnels can cause some pretty intense gameplay, and my favorite gametype here is probably king of the hill, followed by Team Slayer. Because this map features close quarters, and open quarters, in such a small area, it deserves the download and 5/5 stars.
This map really does look pretty cool, I like the layout of the map the most, and I do believe gameplay should be pretty great. My only problem would be cleaning up the forging a little bit more. You can see the boxes on top of each other creating a line and as mentioned before it kind of messes with the aesthetics Nice job
I really like this map. I have tested this with you I think about three times now. Each time I saw it improve, especially on spawns. The layout of the map is fantastic, and is really fun for oddball and king of the hill. There are many defendable places, but could be easily taken over by a barrage of grenades. I felt that the whole map got used, especially when not playing team slayer. During team slayer only I felt that no one really went into the "back alley". I kept saying why would anyone want to come back here when there's only a magnum there. In team king and oddball it saw plenty of action though, and I thought some of the more hectic and fun battles took place back there. One area I feel really just didn't see any action at all, and that was the defender's spawn. I suggested you put a hill there in the last test, but the spawns a little bad there are already. The aesthetics are decent. There are some very cool looking things, such as the bridge tunnels and really just the overall look is awesome to me. However, a few areas such as the not interlocked double box walls could have been interlocked to make it look much better. The weapon choice, while it worked, could have had more variety. You didn't need to use the stereotypical Halo weapons. It still works perfectly fine though, no complaints. I thought the mauler worked extremely well, definitely better than the shotgun would have been. I also felt that grenades were a huge part of this map. You said it was because of the starting grenades, but I still felt there were an abnormal amount of grenades on the map. Overall, this is one of my favorite 2v2 maps. I had many great times testing (and getting beaten by) with you. The layout is awesome and almost all of the map sees a lot of fun, sometimes hectic action. Great map Vorpal, 9/10
I was doing testing on this map a couple weeks back and it very clean and has great gameplay my only objection is that one respawn Area doesn't work at times 5/5
This is a great map, but in one spot it is breakable. On the other side of the first picture, there is a wall with doors on top of it, presumably to prevent jumping up. My friend and I, however, managed to successfully butterfly jump up there with a sniper and begin to have a dominant overlook on the map. Even when we fell into the open single box on top, the door sticks through the wall enough to allow us to jump out. being this high up gave the person a overlook of (almost) the whole map, and combined with the sniper this was devastating. The person is also able to jump around to other spots normally unreachable. The map itself did have great gameplay. There were no spawn issues, and the battles flowed smoothly.It was really fun to play on, but it is indeed breakable.
yo dawg, we heard yo liek maps of win, so we put a map of win in this map of win so yo can map while yo win map + Solid gameplay = win. While oddball was kinda dull, koth and slayer wa great. Its not over aethetical, but still looks nice. I didnt like the rockets, but thats cuz you and deathtoll kept whoring them...
I have no idea what butterfly jumping is... but I assume it's used with two people? --If so then meh. But if not then oh well. I already know of many other ways to get out of the map (thanks to buddhacrane) and there is, honest to god, no way I can prevent it without changing aspects to actual gameplay. Therefore I don't care much for it. If someone did break out of the map while I was playing on it I'd boot them. Oh, and thanks for the other great comments guys. I really enjoy'd a few of them. As for the spawn problems you were having Spaghettiman, I've updated since you've last played to where there should be none.
"butterfly jumping" is the same as double jumping, just with a nickname my friends and I have used and I have sometimes heard others use as well. (its like what you do on The Pit to get into the sniper building that Pit Stop blocks.) Like i previously said, this map has great gameplay. Are you positive you can't find ways to block off those areas? If you do this map has great potential.
Wow, this map looks incredible. It seems like you placed just the right amount of cover while still keeping the map open. The highlight of your map, in my opinion, is the creative merging and unique use of objects to create interesting aesthetics. Your bridge tunnels, fence wall floor, window bridge, window barrier, and wall merges are all examples of this. The layout looks to be perfection as well; I can't wait to play some games on it. Nice use of the A signs as well and your geomerging looks flawless. Your post was well done too; I liked how you used different colors of text while still keeping your post neat. Oh, and I know the spawns will be perfect, that is your specialty. The week until I get my xbox back will be very painful. I just cant wait to play this map!!! Also, so what if it takes two people to jump out of the map. If it takes two people then it will definitely be hard to accomplish in-game. I agree with vorpal, if someone breaks out of the map in game, BOOT them! By the way this looks f'n sweet =)
I figured as much... Anywho, I've used up just about everything. I think there's like a few wall corners and stairs left, and maybe some single open boxes... but if I used any of those to block that area off it wouldn't look as it does now. I also should note that this map is within the budget (which actually isn't a problem since I've got like $26(?) left to it) But yeah, I think it is fine enough. If you want to go ahead and cheat the map, then feel free to. =\
Woah now, I didnt know you posted this. Yeah, I like this map alot. I havent even played the final version yet but I know. Oh yeah, I know. I only played Team Slayer with you in a few test games and it was really nice gameplay, other than the bad spawns in that one corner, (the one you said you fixed), everything worked out great and it flowed really nice. Im sure that since you fixed it, its probably flawless. I still wish you could have done the epic stairset, cart track geo merge you wanted to do in the beginning. Oh well. Good job.
Thanks, and yeah... I never got around to doing that merge, I was trying to hurry things up and I just lost track of it.
outstanding map with masterful merging; nice ideas (ex: bridge out of window panels) also i like all the tunnels and ledges great map worthy of a feature 5/5