it would be really cool if you could watch this, and maybe even like it? We're almost at 1k views! Thanks brooo. YouTube - Pursuit of Happiness by Kid Cudi (Slink's Hangover Remix) - rHennessTV
I support, and encourage this statement. Asking for popularity is an act of desperation, not even Rebecca Black asked for people to watch her video.
Officially, I moved the thread. Unofficially, everything related to the video is a waste of my time. Don't peddle.
You ruined a good song, and thus, I leave you this. YouTube - So You Get Nothing, You Lose! Good Day Sir!
I love you too, Sarge. <3 I debated between that and this: YouTube - Billy Madison - Ultimate Insult (Academic Decathlon) But i figured the willy wonka one was better for this situation.