Sup yall. My name is Alex and my gamertag is xx3strksuroutxx and this is a mini-game map! Send your friends flying in this fast-paced KotH gametype! Map Variant: Purple Rain File Browser Halo Official Site Gametype: I Make It Rain File Browser Halo Official Site How to Play: Red team, your objective is to make sure blue team is not in the hill. Blue team, get on your mongooses and stay in the hill as long as you can. After your have been flipped over or pushed out of the hill, you will be in a large room below the hill. But don't worry! The game isn't over. You can get back in the hill. After 35 and 50 seconds, two mongooses will spawn and be launched into the center of the map. It is important to grab these mongooses before the red team has the ability to knock them out of the middle of the map. You can only grab the mongooses from underneath the center circle. If the red team is quick on the draw, you can use one of three teleporters on the outskirts of the bottom room to get a better angle from above to knock mongooses back into the middle of the room. Here's how I recommend that blue team proceeds for extreme amounts of success. Let's assume there's a full lobby and it's 8 vs. 8. Let's also assume blue team has no one in the hill. 3 players should be standing in the center circle trying to grab mongooses. 5 players should teleport to the rooms above to help shoot mongooses back towards the center. Thanks a bunch and have fun! Alex GT: x3strksuroutxx