I was playing Slayer on Construct one day and I chucked a grenade which exploding but it's smoke was Purple instead of Brown. This has happened to more once in a Forge match on Avalanche. If anyone has seen this or can explain this, please post. I'll get a pic up when I can.
It's the game. Sometimes the lighting will effect how the grenade's smoke will look. If you take it into Snowbound, throw it in a certain area, the smoke will be blue.
This all depends on the area in which the grenade was thrown. It's natural color is grey (or whatever smoke it) but it may be a different color depending on where you threw it.
u shoulda taken a pic. we should find out where all these spots are... nah, im too lazy........... its pretty cool though!
I've had nades on Avalanche that were blue, I think it basically depends on what color the background is and maybe the colors get screwed up. The blue smoke was cool too.