This will be a kinda short and dumb question, with a short intro. When testing my map Novus with ctf, the other day i called out that there was a person in purple, only to have no team mates turn that way, so I wondered why. Then I looked over and noticed that none of my purple objects were showing as purple. After the game I checked in another custom ctf and again found the purple not showing, but my red, blue, and orange colors are all showing just fine. Today I went back to test this before posting and the purple shows up fine in slayer, but is again not showing in ctf. I have all pieces color set to Team Colors. Is this something wrong with purple on team colors, or am i missing something.
I'm not sure if this is what you're asking, but have you tried making the object color purple as well?
I had this same problem on my map. For some reason it just wouldn't save so i had to go and delete it and reset it. Thats what you mite have to do.
You're most likely changing the Team Color, instead of the Object Color. They're easy to mix up, but will provide the problem being discussed if not done.
well i guess i'll have to change the object color over to purple(the color just seems slightly different with team coloring, ie better to me). Its just odd to me that all of the other colors on the map show up properly with team color, while purple does not.
Yeah, I like the "team color" colors more than the "object color" colors too. I just thought; do the "team color" colors only appear if that particular team is in the game?
I had wondered the same thing, but i've only tested the map with Red vs. Blue and the Orange team coloring still shows up, just the purple does not. I'll have to test other colors tomorrow to see which ones do or do not work. it is worth mentioning as im not sure if i did earlier, that all colors I have used show properly in slayer, just that the purple did not in CTF.
I just finished making a map with purple and yellow colored objects. But they don't work. Looks like I'll have to use the slightly uglier versions of yellow and purple.
FYI, Team Colouring overrides the object colour in a TEAM Game environment that supports said colours. CTF will only support Team Colours: RED, BLUE, ORANGE, GREEN. To rectify the issue, assign all items both Team Colours and Object colours to what you need them to be set at. If you're playing a Team Game and the Team Colour is not supported, it will use the Object colour. IF you use both Object colour and Team Colour and they're both supported, the last selected colour (Team or Object) will be selected. Hence how you can get two different shades of Yellow etc... in Team Slayer.
Don't screw around with the Team Color settings. Just use object color. Edit: I should've scrolled down -_-