this map was pretty fun. its not so fun when the party leader plays it like 10 times with 10 rounds tho. like i said its fun but repetitive so i dont know 3.5/5 because it gets really repetitive after a while
I can see the pros and cons in this. When I saw it I thought it looked really awesome, but on further inspection of the gametype and original thread I have a few questions. I'm guessing that you set the zombies to 50% quantity because of the 10 point last man bonus. But I don't see how that really works. Isn't there always a last man standing? Or does it take a few seconds to become one? Because obviously, if it was an instant thing, the humans would win every time, but judging by the other comments saying "the zombies win every time" I suppose not then. So I guess I kinda answered my own questions there but you can correct me if I was wrong. Anyway, asides from that, the map and gametype are really cool, I love how you have to push them back. And the map is really good too in terms of forging and stuff. The bunker is really bunker-looking... which brings up one more question. Technically can't the humans get out of the bunker? (pointless question but I just thought I'd ask).
Apparently its no good? Looks neat to me, although I can definitely see it getting boring. How long does the round last? Good job for an incredibly original idea though. I could see some fun games playing on this map.
always have a ton of fun playing this and btw it is fun to, when you a zombie to leave the last guy alive and frick wit his head
i like it i will always play minigames over mlg or swat so its nice to see one featured.This is a simple idea{the best maps always are} well implemented and is fun to play nice work. may i suggest adding flares to push the bubbles about and also maybe we could have a minigame map pack again{i know you all got rid of them but if the creators don't mind why not} I know this is a longshot but maybe we could have a featured map thats not on foundry
first of all this is a great minigame idea and therefore i am downloading it. second it is a little different than fat kid but same idea. and third if its called purple monsters shouldn't they be purple not black?
This map is so simple but it has endless fun! And since the gametype is purple monsters why didn't you make the zombies purple haha? oh well looks like a great map cant wait to actually play it.
Alright this looks fun and all and I'm sure Fire took time thinking it out and all but does this really deserve a feature? I may be wrong but I don't see the reason why this was featured...
ha this is so fun, I played this with my friends a week or so ago, I knew it was awesome. We played it with like a aprty of 12, so it was intense. I suck though, people always yelled at me because "my man" always got in haha. Great job, this is wicked fun.
I remember the first time I played this, it was so fun lol. I even came up with a strategy as a zombie, I mean purple monster lol, I would turn back and fourth well moving so it would equalize the needler explosions sticking to me, some times it would even push me forward. This is a really unique mini-game map. It's very fun too. Nice job Bl00D F1R3, this deserved a feature.
this map seems sort of stupid and pointless, just looks not, fun, of all of the featured maps,i wont have this one
wow, thats really wasome and ofcourse i spelled that wrong cause im excited, must have taken alot of gametype testing though, i will download, great job. im glad this got featured i would never have found it.
i dont know how this slipped under my radar. i never saw this, but ill check it out. its good that theres fun games like this one to give a good change of pace to halo