Pun needle

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ZombieGuineaPig, Jul 28, 2011.

  1. ZombieGuineaPig

    ZombieGuineaPig Forerunner

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    A man was arrested and placed in jail. While there he schemed of ways to escape. First, he tried escaping by being taken out with the trash, but that plan was junk and he got caught. On his second attempt he tried riding a cheap zipline he made but it snapped in half, that plan fell out of the sky. Finally on his third attempt he tried the classic escape with a spoon strategy. While digging the hole deeper and deeper and getting closer to escape, the prison warden realized what was happening. He walked up to wear the man was digging and simply said, "You know what? You're just digging yourself into a deeper hole."

    Made it all up, eh.

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