i dont remember where but i heard that theres gonna be a new vehicle called the Puma (from RvB obviously), with 6 wheels, in the next map pack...does anyone know if this is true or just a rumor..? cuz it sounds awesome
I think its a total lie. The map packs come with new forge tools, not new vehicles. Thats like saying they'll be introducing new weapons which I do doubt...
Yea, this does not sound reliable or true at all, maybe a non-drivable vehicle like the truck or forklift? -Donuts
I doubt it, Bungie wouldn't give us anything cool. When they said there was a super-secret item for the Heroic maps, we all had high hopes. Instead, we got a soccer ball. Also, this should technically go in the forge discussion board.
A Puma? Isn't that a cat of some sort? Ontopic... I honestly don't know, this is the first time I've ever heard this mention'd...
I would be more concerned with an auto-update that fixed some of the launch issues. I highly doubt new vehicles and such would make it in. Although they did mention something about changing vehicles in one of the prior podcasts, I guess we just won't know until someone says something.