Download Pulse here Pulse is an asymmetric four floored map that derives it's inspiration from a wide range of forgeworks, most notably iTs NeXn's sketch-ups. The map itself features two high points in opposing corners of the map where each teams sniper spawns, a small alcove for the overshield and a rocket platform. the layout of the map was designed to cut down certain lines of sight between areas of the map so as to promote movement, and make the better set-ups just that bit more desirable. More often than not combat will be a vertical affair as many of the platforms are set up at different heights to increase the amount of thought and skill needed to outsmart and beat opponents, should they have the higher ground. Set-up for everything, but designed with Slayer Ball and Hill in mind. Pics: Download Pulse here
very nice ivory, this is very clean the multiple floor layout will help so that you don't run into someone around a corner every second, nice, 5/5
lol already 3 maps. This one has to be my favorite of the three. This has so many routes it will help long range and short range shots. It looks like it could be fun for ffa. I really like the bridges that form a square. Ive tried that before and Its really hard to do. Great map 5/5
Great, three maps in a row. Amazing. First off, I'd like to say this is beautiful. Everything is very clean, as with all of your maps. I like how you used the four floors, like you did on Xyience. The design and geometry also look similar to Xyience, and I loved Xyience. Looks like a triple feature here to me. Repetition implied, props, Iv0rY.
Wow two great maps in a row! At this rate I'll have no room to Down load anything else! First you come in with an exellent MLG map and then this beautifully merged assymetrical map to go with it. I reall love these and keep up the godly work. The pillars really add a great look, but I'll be right back because I'm DLing right now. Edit- I DL'ed the map! So far so good! I don't see anything that could be changed.The weapon placement: Great, the Geometry: perfect. Everything worked really well. I especially liked the way its a battle on 3 levels. The back wall is merged perfectly and overall the map is flawless. I can't wait to get a game going. I rate this map 5/5.
Maybe if you took the time to DL it you would realise the potential of this map. DL before you speak.
Yah don't go critisizing maps because you think its to plain just download and check out the map pros and cons
Although it looks nice and clean, great interlocking, nothing really sticks out to me. Nothing says "I want to play this map". I guess it needs a shock factor.
very clean and well layed out, Is there any weapons or obvious bases for ctf assault ect..? If so could you please post some pics showing us where they are? That would give us a better feel of the map
The power weapons are in the pics if you look for them, but there are now defined "bases" because there was no real reasons for bases in a KoTH/Slayer styled map.
This is a great map, I just played it a few hours ago. The only thing that I would suggest is maybe having one of the hills (KOTH hills) on one of the upper floors. Because when you are in the hill on the ground, players are all above you throwing grenades. But otherwise, great interlocking, nice layout, and awesome gameplay. -Snipermaster95
Nice. I see you used the awesome vertical bridge structures that you used on Xyience II. I also spotted something that I have never before seen in the history of Halo 3 Forge........that cool arc pathway made from walls. That's simply amazing. I love it, very neat and some unique designs. This map is very original.
This is great, but not the kind of forging I would expect from you Ivory. The area up in the air is kind of...empty. I'm not one who should be judging your map because I haven't played it yet, but it looks like the people on the ground floor would get destroyed. It still looks nice though.
I dont even know what to say, I love it. Having no Xbox to play on right now makes me Getty about all these great maps Im seeing right now on FH. I cant wait to try this out!