Psychotic Creator : Last Chaos 7 This is my first racetrack on Halo:Reach. In Halo 3 I made a few maps such as Zevox, Blackheart, and Triton's Twist (With HTKonakid). Phychotic has many features including a double spiral with a tunnel going through the middle of it (all of this is enclosed with a rock ceiling), a dip into the water through a cave of precious jems, a split section that crosses over itself, and a jump near the end of the track. Any part that you can get stuck if you fall off has a death barrier so you'll just die haha. I have absolutely no idea how long this took, I just kinda worked on it in my free time and finally got it done. Almost all the money is used from forgeworld and there are no teleport sections (mainly because I didn't know how it worked until 2 days ago lol). Hope you enjoy! Start Heading in for the double spiral First part of spiral overview of spiral (rock ceiling removed for picture purposes) Hill and view after double spiral Water dip / jem tunnel Split crossover Ramp down towards jump Jump! Finish line Overview again DL link if you missed at the top : Psychotic
Nice to see another race map from you Last Chaos. This looks pretty sick, and I'm loving how you put a jump in it. I despise racetracks without jumps. Anyways nice job with the design, the track has great variety to it. I'll be playing this for a while to come.
Yes they are custom powerups lol. It is really annoying how you can only use 2 lights at a time though
I played this the other day with my friends like 6 times. This track is Insane I love what you did with the ramps it looks hypnotic. although there was one part at the top of the spirals where you went through the one way door there was a gravity lift that managed to push me off the map instead of forewards, or more that is pushed me towards the edge which resulted in me crashing but other than that its a really fun track to race on.
Nice work, I loved Tritons Twist and im sure this will soon make me a fan of your work. Looks good fun.
Thanks and yeah i'll be making racetracks every once in a while in Halo: Reach although i'm busy with life too haha you know girls and such I'm working on another track now and it's EPIC