Proximity (SketchUp)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by frog on stilts, Aug 20, 2010.

  1. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
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    Proximity was a map in Sandbox that I made a while back (it looks like this) and I plan on recreating it in Forge World. I've decided there are plenty of things that need to change, (even from this sketchup, I'm sure). Also, I heard that there already was a map called Proximity that was featured, so I'll figure out a different name for this eventually.


    The flags are meant to tease the players. I know what you're thinking. Can't grenade jump over. I still know what you're thinking. Jet Packs won't work either. There'll be a kill volume in between the two flags.​


    The platform on the left will have a small man-cannon that will get the player onto higher ground. On top of the highlighted block on the right will be a sniper (perhaps a focus rifle).​


    These are teleporters. They lead to another area... The Quarry I think it's called.
    The Quarry:
    I haven't planned out what I want to do here, I have the feeling I can do a better job in forge itself. All I know is I want it to be symmetrical, not asymmetrical or omni-symmetrical. And I want it to be very close-quarters, very in-your-face. Perhaps maze-like.​


    The high teleporters at the bases stay consistent. They keep the high ground, where its faster travel, but its a vulnerable path. The low teleporter stays low, where it is slow but sneaky geometry.


    Omni-symmetrical? DO NOT WANT!


    DO WANT!

    The main reason I wanted it to be symmetrical and not omni-symmetrical was because of the cliff on the one side of the quarry and not on the other.​

    With the addition of vehicle teleporters, I'm going to build an alternate Proximity (or whatever it is I'm going to call it) where the two bases have enough dance floor for warthogs and the such, and the in-between space will take place on The Island instead of The Quarry.
  2. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Nice, I really like it ;) Although I have a few suggestions:

    1. Move the sky bases further apart. Someone could take the flag, jump to their base, die, and the flag would land at their base. Then, they respawn and they can haz 'Flag Captured!'

    2. In the south center part of your symmetrical idea for the quarry, make it ramps leading up to a small platform with a nade launcher.

    3. Make a ghost in the north center of the quarry behind a \/ shaped wall. Then, it wouldn't be spammed by the launcher. And if they camped with the ghost there, just make it a straight -- wall.

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