Protozoan has been taken off my fileshare V2 Coming soon Brute forces used this facility to test the equipment against enemy weaponry. Protozoan is a small symmetrical map great for FFA and 2v2. Oddall and Crazy kings plays especially well on Protozoan. Its excels with 2-4 players though 5 or 6 is really pushing the limit. Weapon List: SMG x4 Plasma Rifle x2 Mauler x1 Bruteshot x1 Equipment List: Power Drain x1 Regenerator x1 Techniques used: - Inf. Money Glitch - Interlocking - Asymmetrical / Symmetrical settings Gametypes supported: ALL OF THEM Gametypes reccomended: - KotH - Oddball - Slayer PICTURES Overview One of the Bases View of side area Blue room (side room) ACTION SHOTS King of the Hill Death from Above Death from Behind Oddball Playball Kill with the oddball Oddball Beatdown Decapitation Hope you enjoy Protozoan! Download Here!
the map looks good from the one pic you should include more pictures though and possibly a weapon list *edit* thank you for adding more stuff =D
I have play tested it many many times and there is no trouble with spawn killing. In the future please post constructive criticism.
well, this map looks well constructed. It has a beautiful use of bridges. It is genuinely designed, and looks beautiful for games like Oddball and king of the hill. the maps size seems to limit its ability to host games like CTF and assault. I dont really think they'd work at all actually. Im glad you recommend the gametypes that actually fit the map... its a thing not many people do. As for weapons, it looks good in that department, except i wouldve added maybe 2-3 battle rifles. They are the main staple in any weapons list. Everything looks good other than that. Ill try to fit in a few games and let you further know what i think of the gameplay.
lol the first pic looked like u used my "Dark Effect" guide... or not... I like the map. the interlocking is pretty good. i like amps that use objects as Geometry. Gameplay looks just above average. i realize the size of the map is somewhat small, and that there isnt much of a spawn killing problem. oddball would be cool... nice map post. 4/5 keep it up
Well done! The map isn't overcomplicated, its nice and simple. It reminds me almost of one of Bungie's maps. Great weapon set as well! Simplicity is key. The middle looks a little bumpy but i'll have to check that out. Oh yes, and the title on the first pic looks like PTOTOZOAN. Lol.
great map the areas with bridges and fence walls are very creative. idk if u shud use sheild doors by the window panels tho.
Yes I did use you Dark Effect, I came across it before I posted my map and decided to use it! Oddball is amazing on here as well as Crazy King, especially with 3 people. Thanks for the positive feedback, and yes it is a little bumpy but it didn't really affect gameplay. I'll fix that in V2 The shield door is interlocked into the panels providing cover on the side areas. Yeah it really to small for CTF and as for the bridges I only used them because I ran out of supplies. Actually the original had a carbine at each base but in the right hands they could dominate the long sight lines so they were removed and replaced with dual SMGs. Carbines shown here
It looks fun and small, 4/5, FFA slayer would probably be best for a map of this size, I will download and come back with review later. EDIT: The map is not so good as I thought it would be, You did'nt bother to change the respawn time for everything and you just changed the run time minimum to the highest. You should make a V2. Fix things up a bit.
I like this map. The interlocking looks clean, nice flat bridges! I also like the shield doors so you can see who is hiding behind a fence wall but can't kill them, creative idea. Nice dumpster thingie as well, I just love those =) You should place some br's around the map too...
It looks really well made and it seems like a good oddball FFA map. I think you should add more weps though. Only like 2 or 3. Also, cover would be nice. Good job though! 4/5
dont think the pics gave us a good layout... maybe make layout link to foundry designer not the best w/ complecated maps but ive seen people r working on 3D and heard a better layout maker soon but this could help for maps later on.... nic map V-load link n sig too ROFl
i can see you have made some improvements since the last test, this map was awesome, especially for FFA. im glad to see that the fusion coils are out of the vlue room and its easier to get to the middle. 5/5 and a download congrats