The **** are you guys talking about? I have been following it very closely, buying the comic books, shirts, etc. I waited till' GameStop opened to get this, I wanted to make sure I got the special pre-order action figure ( which I did =) ). I got home, popped it in and have been playing it since. The game is great, tons of fun. Graphics aren't top notch, but they are more than bearable. The gameplay is highly addictive, there tons of ways to cause destruction. And Shatakai, why would you be asking me if Prototype is any good if you have already played it?
I bought the game today and I have to say I'm impressed. I usually don't like sandbox games, but this one has a pretty linear story with lots of sidequests available (sort of like Legend of Zelda). Fans of Assassin's Creed will feel at home both the ability to scale buildings and basically run around and kill whatever and in fact that the control schemes are almost identical. It's a lot of fun because you can do tough missions, but then also goof around and feel invincible doing stuff not unlike GTA w/ cheats. No doubt the game is a lot of fun and pretty addicting. The story is actually pretty interesting as well. The only place the game falls short is in graphics, which in their own regard aren't bad. But when you compare it to what the system is capable of you notice a big difference in quality. Luckily that doesn't compromise the game though, and the gameplay makes up for a lot of poor visuals.
... Are you even reading my posts at this point? You're opinion on the game is still not fully fair. If it was the start of the game and it bored you to tears. Sure, I'll give you that but from my understanding, you're friend played the start and he''s playd it until you picked it up for half an hour. Depending on how far in the game that is, the game could be harder or you could be lacking an understanding of some things in the game. All that without saying what I said earlier, which it seems you didn't read, is that every game has their **** moment and awesome moment. I never undermined what you were feeling. I just pointed out that you still did not have a fully formulated opinion, no matter how much yo will say otherwise, because you did not play the game all that much. Now, read and understand before you come in and start being as critical as you are.
I played a game for a set amount of time, and I did not like it. Is that wrong? No. It is solely my opinion. Sure, like you've said, I may not have witnessed the game's "Oh my god!" moment, but the fact is that I have played the game and I did not like it. I understood the controls and was able to hold my own in the game for around an hour, and I simply thought it was OK. Even if it's not the beginning, no game should be dry for an hour of play time. If a developer makes a game where the only truly good thing about it is the "Oh my god!" moment, then they have failed as a developer, in my opinion. EDIT: Most people in this thread and the rest of Gaming Discussion are making a mistake by trying to persuade people into agreeing with their opinions. I'm not trying to intentionally ward anyone away from this game or tell people to not buy it, I'm saying that I, personally, do not like it. Most of you are trying to conform me to agree with you and your opinions, and you all need to realize that 95% of people don't give a **** about anyone's opinion other than their own.
i understand that, i know i just like goofing around in games like just killing people in GTA or causing chaos in Far Cry 2, and that's a lot of what you do in this game. i find it fun but i could see how others don't IMHO, it's fun, probably not worth the $60 price tag, but definitely will be worth it when the price drops down to say $40 after 6 months (but then again everyone will be buying odst, AC2, and MW2 6 months from now)
Agreed. I bought it and so I'm obviously going to get as much out of it as I can, but yeah it is a renter.
*Claps in amazement* You've finally read what I've put down. Oh wait... Judging from the rant at the end, you don't even know that I'm saying that your opinion is not all that formulated. It's your opinion, sure, but not a well formed one. Now, where exactly did I say that your wrong about your opinion? I said that you're opinion could be wrong but I never said that you're wrong, Prototype is a great game. Next, the 'oh my god' moment is the climax of the game. The point where everything hits the fan. The rest of the game is still good but it isn't quite that good. Also, every game ha the dry one hour.
Well then, perhaps I've misunderstood what you were getting at. It's hard to tell where people are really coming from on a forum, because you can't tell if they are defending something or just stating something. If the rest of the game isn't quite as good as the climax, then Prototype's climax must be just above average. And no, most great games do not have a full hour of boring level design. Sure, add all the dry moments together and you'll surpass an hour, but most games don't have a single continuous hour of it. Also, I don't really see how it's anything like Crackdown. I finally own Infamous, and I can say it is amazing.
Actually, most games do. All Halos have a Library level. Each one of them takes roughly an hour to complete on the hardest difficulty. Assassins Creed has the build up to each assassination which takes roughly an hour to even get to the point where you kill the guy. Modern Warfare has the annoying constant respawn AI which extends every mission much longer then it has to. Far Cry 2. The whole game. GTA 4, the start of the game. Fallout 3, the end game. Just a few that I've played lately. Most games have these things. It's nearly unavoidable and it's mostly excusable, unless it's Halo. If what you were playing was a mission, then I''d be more on your side. EDIT: And since when was it 1 hour? Did you go back to play at you're friends house and play another half hour?
Alot of those are opinion. I've only played Halo 3, and I don't remember any Library level... In AC, I actually enjoy the build up to the assassination. It's not dry to me, because you are gathering information and still assassinating random guards. FC2 did suck GTAIV's beginning did not take an hour, atleast not for me. I suppose Prototype is similar in some of these aspects, but it's just the way it's presented that isn't very compelling and makes it feel just average.
A little off topic here, but what was the library level in Halo 3? Was it the flood one where you rescued cortana?
So I got Prototype, and I was not at all disappointed. The gameplay is highly addictive and fun, I spent a good half an hour trying to get all the available events to Gold, and when new ones popped up, I Golded them as well. Believe me, some were tough! I imagine they get a little easier after you upgrade Alex, though. I freaking love the Shield/Hammerfist combo. Sprint down some sidewalks and watch the crowds of people splatter like bugs. I lol'd. But yeah, the game is awesome, anyone who doesn't think so can just not post here, because sure enough they are gonna mention inFAMOUS, which is an entirely different game for an entirely different console, so stay on topic with Prototype here or GTFO. PS This thread pwns.
I realy liked the Libary level in halo 1 and 2. First time through halo 1 i was on the edge of my seat not knowing what the hell was happening, it was so good. Halo 2, bit more meh, but still really good. Arbiter levels where good. And Fallout 3's ending was the best bit, loads of action with Liberty prime. I am on your side though, Prototype is a good game (havn't played yet just ordered it online) To me they whole beginning up until you get to the second safe house is a chore/bore, so dunno how you got through it in less than an hour.
LOL Theres a part in the game that I am at now where I have to take a Doctor with me in a tank, and he says "If you can just give me a couple minutes alone with those corpses, I think I can get you what you need." I thoroughly lol'd
Yes. It is Cortana. I really liked the Library too... After my 5th play through when I knew the layout. Halo 2s I liked only because you got Jackal team mates. Fallout 3s End Game is different to the End Level. End Game is when you're level 20 or 30, depending on DLC. Last level was fun. I never seemed to get the information. I did every single one of those little side quests and everytime it was the same thing. Just a chore. Agreed. Up to the point of the second safe house. I don't know how you can do all of that in less then an hour. I'm going to try and stop derailing.
my problem with AC and GTA is that their just so damn repetitive. I mean we've already said you the information missions are repetive in AC. But in GTA it's always just like "drive here, go kill this guy, drive back"
I will as well, however, I considered the "dry part" of GTA to be up until you saved roman from some thug in the park. That's when I really started liking the game.