wait... You have the DLC for Fallout 3, or are you talking about ranking up in Oblivion? Because with out the dlc for Fallout 3, the level cap is 20. And no, i'm pretty sure that Prototype doesn't have multiplayer. I will say inFamous word work SO well online, lets hope for that in the sequel.
Don't. You're basing this off of "ooo, he can mutate his arm." You don't even know what Prototype is about. You're being immature. Not even on gameplay. Both games are good in their own way
I do have the DLC. And for Oblivion but I can't get passed level 35 in that game. If you'll read, I said that I can't play the game again. It's too boring for more then one playthrough for me. They're are good games, Bioshock for atmosphere and not much else, but I can't play them more then once.
Well, first off, you should work on you're grammar and sentence structure, because i'm not completely sure what you just said. I was talking about the level cap for Fallout 3 pre DLC by the way. Oh, and has anyone noticed how LARGE the rocket launchers are in Prototype, they look so cartoony. o...m...g... I just found myself agreeing with Fragman. What should i do?
actually i sorta do your Alex Mercer a conspirancy 40 years in the making and one day you wake up with limited memory but limitless power also your hiding in human form and your trying to find the people who mutated you and why they mutated you. so in a way i kinda do know what its about.
Oh yea. That's a ton about the story. You don't even know his motive, his reason for existence, why he can also absorb memories, and etc. Kinda. You're not even close. Anyone can tell that just by looking at the game.
First, This is a thread about Prototype not Infamous or Fallout 3 or anything else so get back on topic. Second, If someone gave me those powers I would not be pissed, I would be pissed about them trying to kill me but not about them making me godly.
Making you a freak that everyone runs away from? You would like that? Maybe you're just used to it. shaZAM To stay on topic, i think the gunplay looks way too scripted, and it doesn't look like you are actually shooting. The game is holding you're hand way too much when it comes to shooting.
to actually respond to the topic: yes I do plan on getting prototype. I've been dying for a new game for so long (i've been just playing COD4, WaW, and L4D for the past year and getting sick of it). this looks good enough to give me some fresh entertainment. I never get tired of total destruction, no matter how good the graphics are. In fact that's one of the reasons I go back to play the COD4 story so much is cause of the Bad Year and Infinite Ammo cheat with intel.
you know what you don't have to be *** and no **** its not a ton of info the game isn't even out yet sherlock. And He was a human except he was mutated to become a weapon of mass destruction. And saying your not even close well thats making you sound like an asshole and yet again, NO **** im not even close! oh and just let the thread fricking die it wasn't worth the having people flaming me and doing all this other **** you guys are pathetic.
I had a dumb moment today. I thought I saw on gametrailers that prototype came out June 1, but apparently it was June 10. Just wasted 30 minutes worth of traveling.
Ha ha ha. So are you saying anyone with powers are a freak because there are outside the social norm. That goes against every super hero movie ever made, except X-Men. Your on topic comment though was pretty good but when you can do all that why would anyone want to use a gun, rocket launcher withstanding, except to kill some zombies. Oh, and earlier in the thread someone mentioned Alex Mercer is the Villain, he's not. He is an Anti-Hero, a hero who has no qualms about killing people, like Wolverine.
Only if you caught using them, you don't have to have Blades for arms all the time. It would be possible to blend in with Mainstream Society.
Does anybody know the release date for prototype? Out of all the games coming out this summer, this is the one title i am dying to obtain. I love sandbox games, only the good ones though... i especially love the ones where you get to go flying around like an unstoppable force... Ripping through tanks, manipulating people, flying off of buildings, leaping off of cars, how could you not have fun with a title like this!
I know right! and everybody that was my cousin that said to let the thread die cause he was trying to be "funny" so whatever. oh and it comes out on the 9th.
i dont care what people say this game looks like alot of fun because you can do so much crazy stuff and mutate which is awsome so you could just hang with the people tryin to kill you lol