PROTOCOL INFORMATION Protocol is a larger than most indoor map, located on a space station somewhere in space ("No way!"). It consists of 4 main rooms connected by doors and a Rat's Nest inspired hallway(?) around the outside. There are two mongeese that work surprisingly well all throughout the map, especially in the hallway. This map probably took me upwards of 30 hours to complete. And I loved every minute of it, except the latter 114 minutes (those were just awful!). This map was also made to support Rally and Rocket Race gametypes, for no reason whatsoever. It actually works quite well for them actually. Now for the fun stuff, PICTURES!!!! (and weapon list) WEAPONS (Going from memory here) 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Shotgun 2-4x DMR (can't remember) 2-4x Needle Rifle (same) 2x Assault Rifle 2x Mongoose PICTURES Good view of the hallway and the stairs leading up to the medical room. And a GREAT view of me mongoosing it up! The medical room, with the surgical shotgun expertly placed leaning up against the table. WARNING: Shotgun is for surgical use only. This is the cargo port area of the station, where you will find one of the strategically placed mongeese. An overview of the control room, through the door on the right you will enter The Hallway (not just any hallway). Another view of the medical room, but this time it's from one of the two upper-level areas. They also have a nice view of The Hallway. This is the staircase leading from the cargo room to the main room. And me dismounting my trusty mongoose. Another view of one of the upper-level areas, but this time you can see how well you can use this area to shoot down on the peeps in The Hallway. This is the side room ("Really creative name, Dude.") where you will find the other mongoose. I figured I might as well throw in another picture of the Cargo Room to wrap up the pictures. Thanks for checking out PROTOCOL, please download, like, and leave feedback. OH! And don't forget to brush your teeth after every meal. Every, last, one...
Really love the aesthetics of the map such as the Cargo Room's door. I always was a big fan of "Rat's Nest" and felt there was something missing, well you filled that hole. The maps color design gives the feel of space with its small tight corridors and large open cargo rooms. This map is amazing and I'm glad to see you built it for fun alternative game modes to keep away from some of the boring Slayer. This is amazing to look at and I can honestly say that the hours you put into this were well spent and not a waste as which can be seen from things like the hallways or medical room! This is one of those maps where not a huge overly complicated design was needed for it to be fun! The color for areas throughout the map easily flow well with it such as your medical room having a calming blue feel you'v added to it! So good job with this great creation you'v made and can't wait to see more!
I agree with hollow123. I love the cargo bay style doors with the red light above it. I also think that the idea of a Rats Nest inspired map is great. I also love that you changed it into a space station. The aesthetics are great, especially the staircase leading from the cargo room to the main room and the control room. Nice Job.
This map reminds me of Orbital more than Rat's Nest, but that is just my opinion. This looks like a very well forged map overall. The basic design is what I love most. Maps don't need to be cluttered to be good. They need to be molded to perfection by their creators.
Wow, thanks for all the feedback. And there was definitely some inspiration from Orbital in this map.
This honestly is a great map. it doesnt just remind all of the former halo 3 veterans of Rats Nest and orbital, but it fixes a couple key problems that were common with them.. orbital had only a few main areas where the mongooses and the ghost could really work well, and they all were isolated from each other, making travel by vehicle effectively useless. the only real problem i remember with rats nest is that it focused its fight on the outside portion of the map and there really wasnt much action indoors. By making this map indoors and only giving it the size to support mongeese, youve given it the right restrictions and use as im assuming you wanted. my only concern though is the budget, which is drastically reduced by details and can cause loss of frame rate.. how much budget is left and is there any frame rate drop?