This is all of the available information regarding Abyss Studios' upcoming series Proteus (working title). What You Can Do - If you are a girl interested in being a main character please e-mail me at - If you are a boy or girl interested in being a supporting character please e-mail me at - If you are interested in being a puppeteer please register on at Abyss Studios and PM me as well as adding my gamertag, halosavior, on Xbox Live. - If you are a skilled artist interested in storyboarding the CGI portion of Proteus please e-mail me at - If you are interested in multiple positions please choose the position that you are more capable of and tell me when contacting me. - If you haven't already noticed, your best bet of contacting me is through my e-mail unless you register at Abyss Studios and send me a PM. Expectations Keep in mind that although there are 44 supporting characters, I do not need 44 different people. I have no doubt that people are capable of doing multiple voices. If you are auditioning for any role, except for storyboard artist, you are required to live up to the expectations mentioned by The Digital Set. Although those expectations are for posting in their forums, it is suggested you follow that structure when e-mailing. All voice actors must have a computer microphone and their own recording software. If you are in need of a recording program please download Audacity for free. All puppeteers better not be a pain in the ass. Artists just need to talk to me. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please let me know here or, once again, e-mail me at ______________________________________________ Proteus will feature CGI created by SargentScrufy and jtdoepke Proteus will be scored by Ryan H, Mike K, Ricky, Craig C, and Patrick C; members of Community Christian Church Romeoville Campus Student Community Band. All music will be produced by Student Community. Proteus is a twenty episode action/drama series. Do the following auditions lines and submit them to . All auditions are open with no deadline as we are easily adaptable to newcomers, however, this changes once casted.