^^^^^^^ Click To Download Propulsion started out back before FH's Conquest Contest was over. Some thought it was great, some thought it was average, and some thought it could be broken out of, but whatever you thought back then, your opinion will now change, hopefully for the better. Going back and looking at my creation, I had realized that I could make it better, with the knowledge of Conquest I hold today. Propulsion has been reworked and had many changes that create a better playing field for everyone. So, I present to you, Propulsion: Created By Bartoge Propulsion is in the shape of a "U" with the two hallways being mainly derived from a crankshaft. There are three spots where the hallways meet: one at the end where you an walk through and two window areas that you can't shoot through but may beat down through. This makes it so you can see the other team and you might be able to hurt someone while in they are in cover. At the beginning are two rooms with fencewalls as a wall, and these you can shoot through, and it is 4 boxes long, but there is elevation changes that provide good cover. I know you may be confused about the layout, but hopefully pictures will suffice, but before we get there here are the changes I've made. - minor aesthetic improvements - made windows "beat down" only - increased height of box in center territory to allow for jumping - added much scenery to provide a more natural look - made the first territroy have a "door-like" exit also creating cover form the sniper when spawning - switched sniper and brute shot locations - made BR near front more noticable - moved SMGs in direct path and added eye-catcher - switched spike greande with plasma grenade - moved plasma rifles out of main path and added eye-catcher - moved SMGs back - added magnums - perfected spawns - changed territories to cover the whole map - "sectioned off" the map - removed deployable cover - rotated dumpster 90 degrees Overview of blue side Overview of red side Red 1 looking backwards same blue 1 looking from corner same red 1 looking forward {notice brute shot and sniper; notice SMGs on door} same blue 2 form start {notice plasma rifles} same red 2 from middle {notice magnums and SMGs} same center blue side {notice scenery and BR} same center {notice box is higher} updated window
Well, there you go. The final version of Propulsion at your service. Much care has been taken with every weapon, spawn, and object to provide you with an ultimate conquest map. One last time here is the download link: DOWNLOAD PROPULSION HERE
Seeing as you don't have a proper reply to your map, I will do my best to give you a review. Playing previous versions of this map were always very fun. The forging is spectacular and the sloped ceilings are awesome. The only thing I don't like about this map aesthetically is the shield door thing at the center territory. IMO, it makes the map look sloppy. Gameplay-wise, the map excelled. It is up at the top of my list of Conquest maps. The windows you have going along the sides really help gameplay, though I don't like how you made shield doors covering the entirety of the window. The map was also very push-and-pull like Conquest maps should be. Most Conquest maps have huge brawls happening in the center territory but yours doesn't, and that's good. Very good map. 4.8/5.
first off im glad you did a remake of the original because the first was amazing as it was. great additions for sure but as AOS said i dont know about the shield door it sort of takes away from the action but other than that very nice aesthetics and gameplay 9.5/10
Looks like a good update to the map, but i noticed that you didnt give credit to the actual author of the map. I would suggest doing that.
You're kidding right? Bartoge made this map. I saw his original version and it had come a long way since then. I helped in the molding of what it is now (with critiquing, he did every bit of forging for it and it was very well done). Congrats Bartoge on an amazing conquest map and good luck to certification for it (I am sure there won't be a problem).