UPDATE: I have added Propulsion V1.5 information onto the thread. I hope you guys like it as much as the original. Both are still great but V1.5 has some gameplay changes. So yeah, lets see how many downloads this gets, as Propulsion is at 230 downloads right now and its my most popular map right now. Enjoy
I remember playing v1.5. I really liked everything you did with it except for the most important part, which is the window panels. Being able to shoot anything through the walls really takes away from the gameplay. It didn't really feel like conquest anymore. You were getting grenaded and shot with a brute shot from all directions. The fence walls were fine and promoted shooting ARs through the walls, but the window panels are just kind of annoying Maybe if you kept the changes you made in 1.5, but kept the fence walls, the map would be much better.
Yeah I changed them up a bit. When you played the window panel structures didn't have those shield doors. Now they do. They really limit your range of shooting to keep grenades from spamming and such. When I tested it with shield doors I tried to get you to come but you weren't on, so I went ahead and the spamming wasn't much of a problem anymore and there wasn't "too" much shooting anymore.
I have always loved this map. From the beginning you get your first taste of action with trying to capture your first point with the other team next to you trying to slow you down. The game play on the map was very good. You did not just run to the point, die, and come back to life. There was a feeling of movement through the map and it it may seem small, but in game it is a lot bigger. People often said that the Dc was a bad idea but it did not block the map from people and it gave both sides cover, and it really only stayed on the playing ground but for a few moments. The shield door in the middle helped to make it a little more accessible to get it to ensure the game does no have a tied score while still being a tug a war to grab it. The point on the stairs also made it more open to fire from the other team and made it more pleasurable. The look of the map was also very different form other maps. The tilted roof that meet up with the side to make a sharp but smooth surface. The gaps made for good cover while not making it a spot were you could camp. The texture of the map went well with the theme. The back spawn rooms were a nice add on with the fence wall that you could see things behind it and added to what you were going for in the map. And they also helped to stop spawn camping, even if you do have inviolability for a few moments. The arches were eye catchers and also looked like the could really hold the roof if objects would not stay in place. The window panel gave the map something in game play when it was added to shoot through like the fence walls in the beginning of the map. And I do not feel as if I was shoot very often through them. The wall with the brute shot on it help separate players with, and players without the sniper to help balance it out and make sure the sniper does not dominate on the map. The only problems with the map is that it can be broken out of. But because of the game type, it will not affect the overall map. Plus by the time you would be able to get out of the map, you would have already lost. Also the fence box on the right base dose not match up with the other one but that is just nit picking I think. And lastly I think that the doors with the smgs add to the look of it and playability of the map because of were they are placed. So the map has already had a down load from me. But this should be downloaded or kept on anyone's hard drive. And even with the small problem of getting out this map(which still has not been told to you how it is done) it is still great map overall that I will continue to play in the future.
oh my. This map is 'geomergically' perfect, the slopes and slants perfectly interlocked deserves a 5/5
This was my favorite Conquest map to play on! It inspired me to start making them, and for that sir I thank you. This took forever!
i am so glad that i found this map because it is the first good one i have seen in a while. many people are making terrible maps and posting them and GETTING GOOD FEEDBACK. and i cant stand that but i love this map the roof is awesome the way you angled it up like that it makes it seem like an old house without a second floor, great job