Prominence Prominence is my second attempt at a battle track. I built it over the span of four days. An average lap from finish to finish takes about 30 seconds. I'm happy with the quality of smoothness and the constant speed that can be maintained in the track. I designed the track with hills and tunnels to break up the lines of sight during a race to make it more intense. I hit the budget towards the end of the track when I was trying to border up all of the important parts, I think I might have got them all but if anyone finds a cheat that affects gameplay greatly, please let me know. Pictures Overview Overview 2 Side View Spawn Big Hill 1st Bank Turn Small Hill and Tunnel To break up lines of sight. 2nd Bank Turn Dive into another Tunnel 3rd Bank Turn Finishing Line Prominence works well with all Battle track Game Variants Download Prominence Hope everyone enjoys the track! Also, thanks to Jonesy2009 for finding those breaks!
this looks like an amazing map, i really cant wait to try it out. im quite sure alot of people will be playing this in the near future.
A lot better than your first. I'm glad to see someone new emerging as a good racetrack maker. I really like the aesthetic touches you put like the tunnels. It makes the map more original. I'll definitely have to DL this and give it a go. You should definitely make your next track in the skybubble. It's better for gameplay. I also think Juicy looks ugly on Sandbox but that's just my opinion. Try Juicy and Colorblind... it makes a really cool looking effect.
What a nice map, judging from the pictures everything looks smooth. I would recommend making race maps in the sky bubble. I like how you made those hills, it makes me jealous. Anyways good map 4/5
Thanks Ace, I probably will be making the next one in the sky bubble, I've only been making them in the middle as I like making geomerged entrances to the track but I'll give something different a go. As for the FX, I don't like what it does to the sand, but I like what it does to the red and blue orbs. it gives a cool feeling as you pass through tunnels. I'll see how juicy and color blind works however. And thanks for the feed back so far everyone! It's much appreciated.
95% of Halo players and 60% of forgers would probably agree with me in saying you're a little too good at this. I'll have to say I don't really get a concept of BattleTracks, but I'll have you know that this would make an overall nice race map. The only problem with forging race maps in the Crypt or the Ground level is that you have to drive around the map if you fall off. I'll rate the concept of this one a 5/10 because it's just another racetrack, with no special thing about it. I'll rate the design of this one a 7/10 because of the overall course and that the beginning hill goes over two roads. And I'll rate the crafting a 9/10 because the only flaws I can see in the forging are centimeter long indifferances in between corners. Overall I'll give this map an 8/10, because although alot of people wouldn't appreciate any fun value in this, it looks like alot of effort was put into this.
alright i tested this out with my brother(just a race not battletacks) and it was very smooth. what i didnt like though was the beggining area, because whenever the mancannons proppel you you kindof swirve alot, other than that i had a blast great track keep em comin!