Sandbox Prometheus

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Fenix Hulk, May 6, 2009.

  1. FinalEndeavor

    FinalEndeavor Ancient
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    I agree!! it plays really good! i could see this as the feature game type to this map!
  2. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    Yeah, that KOTH game was pretty sick, so sick, I made it available to the FH community by making a link to the film (on my fileshare) on the front page. It was alot of fun and I thank you for bringing in people to play with.
  3. Maxgumby

    Maxgumby Ancient

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    Wow dude this map looks insane. Good job on everything. From the pictures to the map it self this post is pretty sick. Looks like the map could be a lot of fun.
  4. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, this is the best post I have seen since Manifest. Great job, you actually put a weapon list with respawn rates and spare clips. I always ask people to do that, but you actually did it on your own. Great post, now to the map. This looks like its perfect (open area wise). Seems some maps, actually lots of maps, have been so freakin open but this looks just right. The bases are great, multiple levels, different entries and exits, plus the center structure looks great too. If this plays as good as it looks, I wouldnt be surprised to see this on the front page. Ima download and let you know what comes up after I check it out. Great job guy!
  5. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    I have to say that out of almost all the sandbox maps that I have seen and out of all the forgers that have created them, I have not seen any that reach your level of skill. I feel that if no one has recognized you for this then they are just being over pompous. Last night when we played this map I told you how great this map was, but then after the game I found my self just analyzing the map its self, and dude I have to say that your attention to detail is mesmerizing and the merging is among the most flawless I have seen, congrats man, your last two maps are beyond feature material.6/5!
  6. liphttam1

    liphttam1 Ancient
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    Best map post ever. The map itself is like a suped up normal sandbox. 2 bases with a structure in the middle. I am definatly going to give this a try.

    Aesthetics: 4.0/5
    Quality: 4.8/5
    Gameplay: 4.7/5
    Layout: 3.8/5
  7. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
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    We played this map last night on territories and king of the hill. It plays well and the layout looks fantastic but, in my opinion there is a problem that gives one team a major advantage. The BRs. There were a few times while playing the map, that the entire enemy team camped the roof with Brs, lasers, and sniper rifles. It was practically impossible to advance past the initial spawns. My suggestion is simply, keep it on AR starts (as much as it pains me too say it, cause I hate ARs) and remove 4 of the BRs placed on the map. Also, The sniper was a major problem, I think you should up the spawn time to the max and reduce the ammo, or at least make it so it doesn't spawn at start. Regardless, nice map.
    #47 Nosirrom Mij, May 8, 2009
    Last edited: May 8, 2009
  8. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    The sniper is there to take out guys on the pyramid, and I never have a problem taking them out with just a BR. They have zero cover.

    I love how you give it such a detailed rating but haven't even tried it out yet, quite hilarious.
    #48 Fenix Hulk, May 8, 2009
    Last edited: May 8, 2009
  9. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
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    It's your map, but I would urge you to watch the video. The battle was a bit lopsided.
  10. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    Ah, I see you copied my rating system. Way to think of something on your own. Nicely copied. Oh, you missed the Overall Rating I give. Want to copy that, too?

    Onto the map. After playin both playing Team Slayer and Multi Flag on Prometheus, I must say that this has some of the smoothest gameplay I have ever seen on a forged map. Well done. I've downloaded this, and I don't plan on deleting it any time soon. Very, very nice. I thank you.
  11. FinalEndeavor

    FinalEndeavor Ancient
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    Its a risk vs reward situation here. putting any cover up ontop makes that to powerful. taking out some BR,s and starting with AR would getting frustrating because one team will have some longer range weapons compared to others. adding more cover down below makes vehicles useless

    when you improve one thing you destroy something else.
    #51 FinalEndeavor, May 8, 2009
    Last edited: May 8, 2009
  12. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
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    Those types of reviews are pathetic (and people have been using that method long before you my friend), they offer absolutely no insight about the map and how it plays. All you do is give random numbers and an average to go with it. But, what are these numbers based on, you guys don't actually play the maps so your opinion is the equivalent of garbage.

    I didn't say anything about adding cover. I mentioned limiting the ranged weapons and nothing more. For what it's worth I do like this map. All I'm saying is, if the author is considering posting it on Atlas, a good technique is to compare your map to a matchmaking map in every possible step. There's a reason why there are so many AR starts in matchmaking.
    #52 Nosirrom Mij, May 8, 2009
    Last edited: May 8, 2009
  13. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    I couldn't agree more.

    The battle being uneven was not b/c of the map, but skill within the players. Blue Team saw and conquered everything, no matter where the hill was because they used everything the map had to offer. Red team just rushed the hill with what they spawned with. If it was AR start, it would of been even nastier.
  14. FinalEndeavor

    FinalEndeavor Ancient
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    I know you didnt say anything about cover. I was just generalizing from previous posts. Maybe a few BRs could be removed from the map so if lets say it was in matchmaking it would work out a lil better for a regular team slayer.

    the king of the hill game its always a lil more chaotic cuz your doing a lot of camping.
  15. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
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    Sure, except I spent all match laying suppressive fire on the roof to prevent my teammates from being sniped. It isn't a matter of skill, it's a matter of knowing where everything is and getting there first. Test videos likes this won't offer much hope for matchmaking. You don't have to take my advice, but you'd be a fool to ignore it based on your opinion of "skill".
    #55 Nosirrom Mij, May 8, 2009
    Last edited: May 8, 2009
  16. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    skill1   /skɪl/ [​IMG] Show Spelled Pronunciation [skil] [​IMG] Show IPA
    –noun 1.the ability, coming from one's knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something well: Carpentry was one of his many skills.

    Blue Team showed alot more skill. Yes, you did good in the game, but overall, Blue Team showed alot more skill. I don't want to get into a flame war here, but skill is knowing more than others in a certain field and it is repetition. Blue Team was winning because they knew how to play the map and take advantage of the vehicles and power weapons, while Red Team ignored them majority of the time.

    It's an excellent video, not because of who won or lost, or who dominated who; but because it shows how chaotic and fun it can be. It shows alot of action and how it plays towards almost anyones' style.
  17. FinalEndeavor

    FinalEndeavor Ancient
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    some of the people who played last night played on the map for the first time. that goes into account because they arent used to it.

    i still think KOTH was just the reason it seemed like things were over powered or had a major advantage.

    the games of CTF, Assault, and TS were not like that at all because the pyramid structure is not the main focus as much because the goal is different
    #57 FinalEndeavor, May 8, 2009
    Last edited: May 8, 2009
  18. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
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    Relax man, I wasn't trying to argue with you. I was only offering some insight from red teams point of view. Cleary Blue Team had the power players, I will not contest that. My team did suck, I will not dispute that. As a fellow forger, I was only expressing how I would personally handle those sort of situations. I would never had even posted here if I did not think the map had potential.
  19. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    I agree with you on the fact that when people rate the gameplay of a map before they have played it, it is useless. However, when I rate a map I first leave Gamelay and Overall blank. I looks like this:

    Example A:

    (Insert my thoughts of the said map here)

    Aesthetics: 4/5
    Quality: 4.5/5
    Gameplay: N/A
    Layout: 5/5
    Overall: N/A

    (I will update my review to include Gameplay ratings once I play it.)

    Then, I DL the map, play it, and then come back and further update my review. It then looks like this:

    Example B:

    (Insert my thoughts of the said map here)

    Aesthetics: 4/5
    Quality: 4.5/5
    Gameplay: 4.5/5
    Layout: 5/5
    Overall: 4.5/5

    You see? I do take the time to type up a thought out review of the map. I give Gameplay ratings based on how I think the gameplay on the map is. I'm not trying to start a flame war, but you didn'y know as much as you thought you did...
  20. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    I am relaxed as a peel of a banana. Anyways, so what are you saying now, I'm confused... There's no way I can change the map to better unskilled players. I guess we could play team-duals, but that still has nothing to do with the quality of the map.

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