
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Backwards Logic, Jun 15, 2008.


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  1. Backwards Logic

    Backwards Logic Ancient
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    By Backwards Logic

    Download Promenade


    Here's my second map to be posted to these forums. Promenade is a slayer based map that can handle all sorts of team objective games as well, including Territories, CTF, King of the Hill, Assault, and Oddball. Map is best with 4 v 4 or 5 v 5, or free for all. This map features a ton of interlocking and geo-merging, as you will see in the coming pictures.

    Weapons List:

    2 Assault Rifles, 30 sec respawn
    1 Plasma Pistol, 30 sec
    7 Battle Rifles, 30 sec
    2 Carbines, 30 sec
    2 Spiker, 30 sec
    2 Smg, 30 sec
    2 Plasma Rifles, 30 sec
    2 Mauler, 60 sec
    1 Needler, 60 sec
    1 Shotgun, 60 sec
    1 Energy Sword, 60 sec
    1 Machine Gun Turret, 60 sec
    1 Plasma Turret, 60 sec
    2 Brute Shot, 90 sec
    1 Sniper Rifle, 120 sec, 1 extra clip
    1 Flamethrower, 120 sec
    1 Rocket Launcher, 150 sec
    1 Spartan Laser, 150 sec
    1 Sentinel Beam, Never Respawn
    1 Gravity Hammer, Scenery/Inaccessible


    2 Fragmentation Grenades, 10 sec
    4 Brute Spike Grenades, 10 sec
    6 Covenant Plasma Grenades, 10 sec
    1 Firebomb Grenade, 30 sec

    Equipment List:

    1 Bubble Shield, 60 sec
    1 Regenerator, 60 sec
    1 Power Drain, 60 sec
    1 Flare, 60 sec
    1 Radar Jammer, 60 sec
    1 Tripmine, 90 sec

    Now for a brief pictorial walk through:

    Blue Base

    Here's where I'll start the tour. The ramps lead you to the main central structure while the mancannon sends you to the custom power-up, should you enter it correctly. The sword spawns on the ledge where the "01" white lettering is on the wall.

    Rear of Central Structure
    When you reach the top of the ramp, you'll end up here. Inside the prominent main structure lies the sniper rifle and a lone machine gun turret.

    The Elevator
    More like "Vertical Man Launcher," the lift can send one from the lower level to the top with considerable force. Aside from the elevator, this area with the crates and forklifts promotes close quarter combat and a bit of guile. Also, in the smaller structure in the corner sits the Spartan Laser.

    Looking towards the Dock
    Now coming down from the structure, we end up in what I call the dock, even though it takes a bit of an imagination to see that. I put a bunch of shield doors sideways to give the illusion of water, and to an extent it holds up. In fact, throw a frag grenade across it and it will skip like a smooth rock! Anyway, in the water underneath the bridge is the shotgun

    Red Base
    An aerial view of red base. On this level is where the map got its name. This long walkway by the water holds an smg and plasma rifle combo, along with a brute shot and a plasma turret platform.

    Rocket Spawn
    Here is a shot of the other end of the promenade. Perched atop an inverted staircase on the highest level is the lone rocket launcher. Not pictured, but the overshield spawns next to the second staircase that leads to to the plasma turret level. Also note the brute shot spawn placement under the plasma turret - it's floating against the wall.

    The Lower Level
    Here's a frontal view of the lower area along with the front of the sniper room house. To the left we see a shield room that houses a tripmine along with a teleporter to the promenade tunnel. To prevent camping inside, grenades can be thrown in from a small hole in the ceiling to set off a number of fusion coils. Atop this room sits the ever powerful sentinel beam, but be warned, once used, it never respawns. The mancannon you see launches you to the custom powerup seen in the opening picture. It is not a 100% guaranteed success rate to get up to the level it is on. When we played, we typically set the power-up to give 200% damage for a short period of time, but you can do whatever you want with it. It is not a crucial piece to the map, it just give customization options. Notice the two pallets blocking the opening of two open boxes. Inside is a nice little battle rifle/sniping spot, accessible from one teleporter. While inside gives a decent view of parts of the map and adequate cover, it is extremely vulnerable to grenades or rockets. Looking towards the right, we see an enclosed fence box with a few items inside, including the gravity hammer. It is inaccessible, as its only function is to be scenery.

    Now, here's some battle pictures:

    As you can see, this map features a ton of interlocking and some geo-merging. I would like to thank sauceofallevils for providing me with his map ode to joy, which served as inspiration for this. Please comment here as well as rating and commenting on bungie. Thanks for looking!

    Download Promenade
    #1 Backwards Logic, Jun 15, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2008
  2. ICanHazH34DSH0T

    ICanHazH34DSH0T Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks good from the pictures. Very unique and looks like gameplay would be pretty good.
  3. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    HOLY CRAP this map looks amazing! can u reccomend the map to me? my gt is the signature, like now can u do it?
  4. flaming omelet

    flaming omelet Ancient
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    Wow, can you say featured? There are so many unique features on this map. The dock is awesome and you pulled off a lot of cool structures. All I can say is nice, nice, and nice! Keep on forgin'!
  5. bluepenguin23

    bluepenguin23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    very nice! like u said it does use lots of interlocking! good job! the houses roof tops are really cool!
  6. Silent Deja Vu

    Silent Deja Vu Ancient

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    looks cool maybe a Dl maybe not..
  7. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    I like it. Excellent grammar and vocabulary in your post too :p. My one gripe is the shotgun under the shield doors. I experienced problems with shotguns and water in some of my maps. The shotgun "prostitute" tends to camp under the shield doors. If there is nothing to counter this problem in your map, I suggest that you add something.
  8. redsoxfanxd

    redsoxfanxd Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is an excellent map and the water and the bridge is ausome i cant wait untill you make another map
  9. Backwards Logic

    Backwards Logic Ancient
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    Glad you actually read my entire post! About the shotgun, it isn't "under" the shield doors, and in that area there isn't a whole ton of cover. One can't even duck underneath the shield doors - it's predominately scenery only. Grenades, battle rifles, or pretty much anything else would deter any potential camper.
    #9 Backwards Logic, Jun 15, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2008
  10. BennyIV

    BennyIV Ancient
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    looks good. however i think you may have too many power weapons on the map
  11. LaTurno11

    LaTurno11 Ancient
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    looks nice ill check it out i give it a 5/5
  12. Sk84lyfe13

    Sk84lyfe13 Ancient
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    that looks awesome
  13. XBlackDarknessX

    XBlackDarknessX Ancient
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    very nice map you interlocked things quit nicely and the upper floor looks to be great for how you interlocked the walls inside the doubleboxes.
  14. Wu pmouse

    Wu pmouse Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks great i dl and try it out
  15. Backwards Logic

    Backwards Logic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for all of the nice comments guys!

    DR MAJESTIC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i like how you used the whole map.most people block off all the rooms
  17. Backwards Logic

    Backwards Logic Ancient
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    Well, the rooms are still blocked off, but as you can see I did use more than the standard 'rectangle.' It's kind of a funky shape for Foundry, something you don't see everyday.
  18. Lantus Nova

    Lantus Nova Ancient
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  19. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    very differant but looks detailed and well planed out, its not without its flaws but looks fun, nice job
  20. d3adly ninja

    d3adly ninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    amazing layout. amazing interlocking. just an amazing map. you did a very nice job on this map cant wait to play it. 5/5. and you did have i guess a little more than needed power weps but utulized it by making the spawn times longer.

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