Project Z

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Tex, Jul 27, 2008.

  1. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Project Z

    By: The ABCrew
    (Shad0w Viper & TxsOutlaw003 (Tex))
    Don't know who The ABCrew is?
    Click Here.


    Other maps by The ABCrew:

    Project S (Original Thread)

    Project S (Featured Thread)

    Project U

    Project X

    Map Description:

    Our first asymmetrical map. Even with its asymmetry, it plays well symmetrically. Something that is really hard to find, but we had to pull if off, and I think we did.

    We also implemented a switch in the map, something we haven't done yet. I know it is a very petty switch, but it makes asymmetrical games that much better. NOTE: The switch is only there for asymmetrical games, in symmetrical games there is no sender/receiver node.

    A few of the better things about the map? Well, the entire map is just about merged with the ground, removing those pesky grenades-falling-under the boxes problem. Also, Shad0w came up with a really sweet design, shown in the picture at the top of the page. There is more, but you will have to point them out yourself in your posts.

    We also implemented some asymmetrical/symmetrical weapon layout. In asymmetrical games, we have a flamethrower on top of the little "Kentucky Tango." As for symmetrical games
    there is a machine gun turret and a sentinel beam. There is a bit of re-arranging from asymmetrical to symmetrical in the placement of the bubble shield aswell.

    Much love goes to Kentucky Tango by Cosmic Rick for his original design of the star pattern.

    And more love goes to Draw the Line & Chipsinabox for helping with spawns. Without their help, it wouldn't play nearly as great as it does.

    Especially thanks to everyone who helped in testing! <3 you guys.

    Gametypes Supported:

    ABC Flag (Multi-Flag)

    ABC 1Flag (1-Flag)


    Team Slayer


    ed players:

    3v3 to 4v4

    Film: Better Quality, Click Here

    A review by The Review Hub:









    It's apparent that I must post an edit here...SO:

    Glad you enjoyed the map overall, though, I really want to stress that the crooked corner walls, although crooked, serve a purpose...actually, 3 purposes...

    A) Smooth walkway

    B) 3 points of cover

    C) Not a ****ing standard boxy look...ewwww boxy look...


    And some old pictures that kinda show the map a little better:




    Here is the "switch" in action:
    *Switch is only there for asymmetrical games.

    Notice how you can't enter it right away.


    Run to base 2's gate side (Far back right if looking at large doors).


    Get the barrel out of the way.


    Now for the rest of the round, you and your team are free to use the teleporter.


    Again, here is the link to download.
    #1 Tex, Jul 27, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2008
    ScarFac3d, Agamer, American10 and 2 others like this.
  2. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    I wanted your first post to be worthy of this map, reserving this space was a must. Sorry everyone behind me with the itchy fingers, maybe next time!

    My oh my, so this is the final turnout of what was once my amazing (failure) collaboration map competition... wow, looks like I would've been beaten to a pulp, on account of both my map still being no where near finished and just looking at the beauty of what is project Z. Looks like you've gone and earned that poopy color for yourself now, even though I doubt you'll want to leave your purple-dome.

    Onto the map; I love it, completely and thoroughly. You've mastered the art of using window panels perfectly to keep game play flowing to a maximum extent and everything you've done is so neat and accurate it's something one could say "Wow, how did they manage that? I'm still a bit disappointed over the fact that my suggestions were trashed after Foundry decided to eat your boxes, but that's okay considering you've implemented an equally cool Kentucky Tango styled tower in it's place. Even your (lazy) switch incorporated into game play works great!

    Fantastic work, Tex. Hope to see more alphabet soon, Sir.
    #2 Mysterious D, Jul 27, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2008
    gobbles likes this.
  3. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Wow amazing map 5/5 got my download

    Scratch that ^ That was spam sorry posted a long time ago

    Ok, its an project map meaning it should be great, and it is.
    I love the originality of this map, gameplay is incredible and all the weapons are just perfectly placed throughout the map.

    Great Map 9.5/10
    #3 EGP, Jul 27, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2008
  4. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    Omg this is so cool it my favorite map of all time great job man. I love the massive amounts of interlocking and geo-merging it makes you map look so cool. 5/5


    I see you used my photoshopped pictures. To everyone, this is a Grade A foundry map variant on our hands here. The ABCrew always develops maps that are as good as homemade. I have only played ABC flag twice on Project Z so far, but it has been some of the best gameplay I have had In ages. I greatly recommend Project Z to gamers of all tastes.

    (this message has been approved and paid for by Tex)
    gobbles likes this.
  5. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    wow tex, you did it again another great map, i really like the towers and the tall feeling in the pics, 1 flag looks really fun, i shall download and play it looks really fun, ill get back to you, with great feedback im sure.
  6. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    Out of all your Project maps, this one seems out of place (not in a bad way), because besides Project U it seems really open. I think this looks like a terrific map , ill DL as soon as i get room to do so. Now just make a Project P!
  7. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    Learn to read dumby. This is Shadow Viper's map as well. If you haven't noticed by now, all Project maps were made by Tex AND SHADOW VIPER.
    #7 Chipsinabox, Jul 27, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2008
  8. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    yay, it finally done, i remember playing at this with chips and Shadow viper

    it looked amazing even when it wasn't finished.

    i love how you made it a "Z", yet mad in aysemetrical. once again another great map from you 2
  9. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    i was looking forward to this ever since you posted about how this was supposed to be your 2000th post. from the pics it looks really great and i guess i can kinda see the z... well thats not the most important part. i'll have to DL to take a closer look and play it. i'll be back after doing so.
  10. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    fantastically amazing. the star design has never worked so well before. i really really love the layout and everything. this map is truely unique man. ill definately be downloading and playing soon. i see you in brown-red soon enough. :D
  11. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Awesome,Stunning and Phenomenal. Those are words that can't begin to describe what the ABCrew manged to pull off this time. For starters I would like to comment on the design of the map. The multi-path ways to obtain the flags is enginius. It makes the map less camp-able. The fell to the map is great as-well how your battling up pathways jumping from ledge to ledge is fresh and fun. The game play is perfectly balanced. Next for the weapon placement. You two made a unique/intersing weapon placement. I really like how blue gets the turret to defend the open/wide area of the map while red gets the rocket launcher to get the pathway. The rockets can be used to take out the turret. Also how Red gets first access to the high ground is great to. Next I'd like to go on about the teleporters for a-symmetric games. Thats a REALLY good idea witch seems like it would perfect.

    Its a great map that you pulled off perfectly. It has stunning game play with great astechis to make a killer map. I'm really looking foreword to new projects from the ABCrew seeing as each improves each time. You guys are great and Shad0w I can see Premium in your futur very soon.

    Like I was saying before before I got off topic, This map is amazing. Nice work guys!
    #11 Mr Pokephile, Jul 27, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2008
  12. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    finally some eye kandee around here. Def. a dl for me. can't wait :surprise:
  13. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Yaaaaay it's finished. I'll comment on the map based on the pictures in a minute, download will be tomorrow morning.

    Glad you made this, though Z was my last choice, because S has been done.

    I only see part of the Z with the pictures. I'm sure I'll be able to see it tomorrow when I play it. Anyway, the Forging looks excellent, I'm glad its not inside, like Project S. I like larger maps. The border on the images caught my eye, though it had nothing to do with the map.

    I'll add more if I see a noticeable change in my thoughts after playing.
    #13 Kronos, Jul 28, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2008

    SPAGETTII Ancient
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    Great job, the map looks awesome. Good geomerging and especially good interlocking. The layout is very nice, therefore the gameplay is probably pretty good. Very good aesthetics i might add. I love the double box, bridge, single box thing. There is not much to say against this map except that the turret base looks pretty crooked. I dunno if that was intended or not but it just looks a little messy. Regardless, I have to giv the map a perfect rating.
  15. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    wow this map is just great. i liked the other project maps and this one is pretty good as well. i think this one is built the best however i can't see it being the best out of all of your project maps. i dont know what it is it may be the gameplay, the way its built, i just don't know, but i can tell you one thing. if this gets featured one day i woulsnt be surprised. keep the projects coming!

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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    Hola Tex looks like you finally got to post this map and boy do i have a lot to say so let me start.

    *Aesthetics* Seeing as this is your first asymmetrical map (to my knowledge) ((that knowledge being your post)) it looks really nice and i love it. what you did with the columns that has to be one of my favorite things about this maps aesthetics. some of the other things that i noticed and like where the flags and the smaller scenery that you didn't leave out so great job on the Aesthetics.

    *GamePlay* This is a part where you've really outdone yourself. on this map it has one of my favorite types of gameplay ever created. "Urban" but how does it get this gameplay well from what i have experienced from playing test games. it gets this "Urban" gameplay from all the ways up and down/around the map. this creates a feeling of uneasiness where you don't know where you will be attacked from next. which just adds to the fun for all types of game variants.

    *Weapon placement and spawns* well i don't really have much to say here tex but that there was no problems when i played it. so ill keep this short and just say OMG 1337 map.

    *break ability* so far i haven't found a way out yet but that doesn't mean ill give up so be ready. (if i do find a way out pm it to you) so for now you win but ill be back...... with grenade jumps.

    Overall i loved this map and cant wait for more from you keep up the amazing work. (possible more asymmetrical maps in the future?)

  17. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    Thank god you released yet another alphabet map.
    Now I have another map to ponder over for an even longer time.
    I dont see a single thing wrong with this from a galnce.
    Great job and I hope you release even more alphabet maps.
    Let there be Project S,U,X,Z,O,R,Z(v2)!
  18. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    I can't wait to test this out but I will be on vacation until Saturday.
  19. FreakyPenguin5

    FreakyPenguin5 Ancient
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    this is an amazing map cant wait to play on it very nice job
    #19 FreakyPenguin5, Jul 28, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2008
  20. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    This has to be your guys' most aesthetically pleasing map. 100000000/10

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