Lol, look, I'm loyal =P I just realized, this is where you called it =D I doubt it ever will, but cheers for the thought. Well, it's my personal favorite (of the SUX map pack), so I'd suggest giving it a go =] Uhh...Thanks for the bump? =P You sir. I'm going to not comment on you, as your post on Project S was rather obvious that you have something against me. So. KaiThxBai You noticed the geo-merging! ^_^ Noone ever does =[ Thanks Paulie. Also, I wonder what would happen if the entire mappack got feature nou To the above two quotes. Try to give more detail to your posts please. Especially you Dragon...You're an admin for god's sake! =P
Ahh the old Project X. This is a truly mind blowing map. The layout if perfect. Its very even and balanced. The one thing that really cought my eye on this map was the man cannons. I really like them, they work very well and get yo uwhere you want to go in a hurry. The game play of this map adds to the phenominal build to it. Its a great map and a definit feature. Nice work guys.1
Try to give a bit more meaning to your posts good sir... Thanks a lot Blood. I appreciate the comment on the man cannons, as we kind of pioneered man cannons into competitive games...(Not to be conceited...) Just curious, did Project X inspire you at all for your maps? I just noticed the man cannons in there...
Tex, I cant beleive this is still alive. Well, it is the most viewed Competetive map, congrats on that.
That comment benifits no one. It doent give any feedback other than you like it, what specifically do you like about it?
me likey 5/5, the only think id say is, get rid of the man cannon. my theory most of the time.... man cannon + level = either way its still good, keep forging p.s. u make a lot of projects
It is indeed the most viewed map, wow, thanks for pointing that out. (Don't know if it still is, I saw that post n checked, but am finally posting.) lolololol <3 Textured. lolololol. <3 Linou, but next time, just report it, and I or another mod will address it. (I know you do already, but meh...whatever, you get my point.) Gah...You forget Shad0w Viper...As most people do >.> The mancannon is what makes this map unique silly...If it weren't for that, it would be just another symmetrical map...Which is not really a good thing nowadays. p.s. thnx =] lolololol, you're so close to spam, it irritates me that I can't just infract you... =P
Tex and Shadow Viper; I expected better out of you. I would hhnk a moderator would know better then to steal maps. I believe you Decatur. (Decatur{[Not Tex/Shadow Viper]) You have to be one of the best forgers here. The layout is amazing in this map, superior to most. You have some real cool aesthenic touches and the bases are genious. Gameplay is one of the best features here. I can imagine how good this must have been when you originaly made it in April Decatur. I just can't believe a mod would take it. What a disgrace to the sight
The date of "your map" is 9.16.2008 The ABC Crew's is 4.13.2008.... 5 months before your map. So why have you waited 5 whole months before calling them out on stealing "your" map? Any idiot can realize what you're trying to do. It's not going to work, especially here at Forgehub. Prepare for the Banhammer! [edit]: YAY!
As stated previously: this map is completely flawless. And after reviewing a second time, I have officially proceeded to download. Hope the DL is worth it....
Ahhhhh. . . I love the commentary on the pictures and the video. Made me more enthusiastic towards downloading this. Congrats
Things like this pain me. We'll get to that in a moment however. First for the map. The layout of the map although somewhat original, was executed with minimal forging skill. Very little geo-merging is present and many aesthetic techniques are both ignored and unemployed. The gameplay, while different, is not anything revolutionary or for that matter, remarkably fun. It is bland, point in case. 3/5 What pains me is to see a map like this, a map so lacking in forging and aesthetic techniques, trump some very beautiful and remarkable maps made by other less notable members of the community. It most certainly does not take a keen observer to point out that such a map is featured because of the high status of its creator(s), and perhaps also because of their unwillingness to accept that rank does not always come with skill. This is no jab at any creator's skill or there nepotistic promotions, but rather a simple observation that helps reveal the deterioration of a community once based on merit.
Well aren't you the awesome reviewer? Yea, your review would've been valid if it weren't for two huge helpings of ignorance. For starters, look at the age of the map. It's almost a year old! A lot has changed in forging since then. The second point I'll make is that fact that you haven't PLAYED a full game on this bad boy. It plays like a mutha-fuhkin' charm. Geo-merging and interlocking never matters much. As long as the map variant plays well, it has my recommendation for feature. Obviously it doesn't have yours.