yessir, Project U, we kinda took a break from halo3 tho due to grand theft auto IV coming god is that epic. So if people havent made the connection yet, Project X is somewhat in the shape of an X, where as this one will be somewhat in the shape of a U, i know, it sounds kiddy, but both maps are really well laid out, and play out pretty well, Project U is still in the design/playtesting stages, so it could be a while for the release...
Thanks Camo, I'm sure you won't be disapointed, also, i plan to post a gametype for this map soon, i should have done it a long time ago, but it kept slipping me mind...
You definately do have to check this map out, then throw these guys your feedback dude, this map kicks ass!
Wow, i The mancannon/fence thingy is great! I am SO downloading this. p.s. Your advertising really works! Very professional slide show
haha thanks a lot there altair4pm, that took me and shadow quite a while to get just right, and it still has a bug or two to fix up...which if we ever decide to get on it, (AFTER project U...) we will be making a v2...but that could be a bit down the road...
I will download to give it go, but you just needed more maps and i would liked it more if there was more pics
the second wall was there for aesthetic purposes, as well as to help for the smoothness of walking over there... Ya, if you didn't notice the previous text, there will be a newer project coming, just give us some time as project u won't come til we get out of gta4/cod4...
so ya, incase noone has noticed, there is a lot changed to the main post, more pics, a new game type, and editted some of the text...enjoy
Ohh dude I really like the new pics. They really do the map more justice, it just provides a better overall representation.
I would really like to play a game of CTF on this. It looks really fun and to use a lot of teamwork. I can only speculate so this opinion doesn't mean much, but hopefully when I come back onto live it will. I look forward to future projects by you.
You haven't played it yet!? This is one of the most fun maps for CTF! Man, the times I have had on this, sneaking into the bases, pwning mid air from the mancannon, and sniping the heads off of unsuspecting n00bs from awesome sniper box. So, go out and play this!
wow, thanks alot everyone, i was asleep for a little while longer then expected, and my user cp was jampacked, didn't catch this til way down the list, and omg, i am so happy to see more posts, also thanks alot rusty, someone as known as yourself posting here, maybe a mod/loyal/respected(non-retired ) will post what they think, i really want to know what maybe a goo would think (don't know if your part sorry) and brute, i love your support, it brings me joy to see someone think so highly of the map other then myself (or hiddensniper, who apparently LOVES this map ^+^)