Link : Project X Created by the ABCrew (Shad0w Viper & TxsOutlaw003(Tex)), if you want to see some of the other creations done by the ABCrew here is: Project S Project U Motto: When going for the rockets, keep your head down. To view the pics go here: Slideshow of Project X This is a competitive map, that went for aesthetic quality. It's smooth gameplay will make you feel like this map was made by bungie. I would like to give major thanks to all those who helped in play testing. So, THANKS! This is a strategic base vs base map where the battle thickens as you move out. This map was not made for the mlg playlist, but you can use the gametypes with this map. Gametypes supported: Team Slayer, & Capture the Flag. Suggested players: 4v4 to 8v8(if your feeling ballsy) Here again is the link to download this map: Project X Here is the link to the gametype:ABC Flag The gameplay is almost always close, unless if there are people sitting there, not playing or they just are having an off day. These are in the slideshow, but, since you have to have imbeded pics here you go: I hope you enjoyed the pics, because I know you'll enjoy the map if the pics motivated you to actually download this! Also, if you are looking for a more professional viewpoint of the map here you are:
I'm really happy to see so many people liking this map already, I hope we can get some more comments to keep this thread alive
Allright, now I have editted this page so that it will be ezier on everyone's eyes, prior to the edit, there was just too much info such as weapon respawn times, and other banter. So, I hope that you all like the new post, and slideshow, and the map itself!
Thanks Qoitus I'm glad you liked the map and please everyone let us know what you think about the map.
Now I'm not boasting at all, but on we have 30 ratings (4/5 bungie symbols) & 725+ downloads, now, that is not bad for coming out just 4 days ago. I really hope to see more comments here on fh, so i know what you all think, because as of right now, there have been over 700 views here, but like 7 posts... [sad squirrel]
This looks very good. It has many cool architectural elements and some parts of the map remind me of Tension.
Thanks alot brute, it means alot to see someone more familiar to forgehub post here, I hope to see more soon!
We have reached the 1000 download mark and we still have little to no feedback. Please if you like the map let us know and if you find something wrong tell us so we can improve it.
I don't know what the majority of the almost 1000 views here on forgehub think, but if you liked this map, me and Shad0w are beginning to work on our next project, which will be codenamed Project U. Until that day, I was hoping we could get more opinions on this map, after about 1000 views, we've had only 15 posts, mostly from me and Shad0w [sad squirrel]
New Demos Here are the newest vids if you missed them in the title page: The Intensity Flag Nasty They are some examples of how crazy this map can get