Project U

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Tex, May 20, 2008.

  1. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    thanks alot grizzly for backing us up on, that mean alot, especially when the dude who was talking crap about our map, and saying it was "gutting" and re-doing mlg maps, had no idea what he was talking about....i was rather pissed about all that...but i think i got over it when i realized how crappy his maps were....rep+ grizzly...cause you = badass
  2. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    I'm so glad this is finally out. I think Project X was pretty good, but this completely overshadows it. Looks like you did a great job forging everything, some epic games are to be had on this map...
  3. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    cool project x was cool and this looks better will dl
  4. LuckoftheMoose

    LuckoftheMoose Ancient
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    LOL, I DLed this map. It was fun, mainly b/c my party was very bored last night. We ended up making up our own gameplay of 'kingdoms'. We each did team slayer, but more strategic, and it all started on this map. We used a room as a conference room to make alliances, declare war, recruit/bribe other recruits... it was the weirdest Halo game ever! We played for over an hour with about 10ish people. There would be different leaders of different colors, and as the game went on, people betrayed, enemies were made, coallitions gathered. <<Even through how crazy it was, it was probably one of the funnest games in Halo 3 matchmaking>> :p
  5. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    EPIC work, this I think looks a lot better then Project X in my opinion.
  6. Fillmore Roy

    Fillmore Roy Ancient
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    Everyone is saying that the design of the map and the interlocking is amazing... and I absolutely agree. Overall, this map would make a great MLG map, but the weapon set would need a little tweaking.

    The setup is interesting, to say the least, and the stairwell in the center is cool. The sniper tower with the destroyable grav lifts is an interesting concept as well. The weapon set/placement is varied and simply placed, and there are weapons that you have to do a bit of looking for, which makes you think in-game "Where did he get that from?!?!" but it works, and that's really 80% of what matters in terms of weapon placement.

    Great job in the end - I'll keep watch for new projects from your crew.
  7. DonDon87941

    DonDon87941 Ancient
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    looks cool nice job ABCrew
  8. DonDon87941

    DonDon87941 Ancient
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    next you should do a Q
  9. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    that seems to be the common opinion, though i would have to say, i really enjoy the symmetry of Project X more, they're both symmetrical, but Project X imo tops Project U...just wait for Project S though, i am ecstatic about this one ^_^

    that is quite interesting...i have never heard of rpg halo...that sounds friggin sweet dude, i would have to say i would be one of those people betraying everyone > : )

    lol, the "Where did he get that from?!?!" part made me laugh, and indeed it does work, there are parts of the map that aren't really seen until you do some exploring, and I found it's all the worth while to do said exploring...

    I appreciate the comment, and the recognition of the ABCrew, but I don't suggest double posting (posting one comment, then another without anyone else's comments in between the two). People around here will get upset about that sort of thing, all you have to do is edit your previous post, and delete the 2nd...thanks again
  10. ActTehKiLL

    ActTehKiLL Ancient
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    Very good interlocking looks perfect nice sniper place =p LOVE SNIPERS looks fun to play i might check it out
  11. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Well I still say I am very satisfied with this map. It is definately one of the cleaner maps I have played on. When you first start the game you just stop and see it all. No crooked walls, minimle to unnoticeable toe stubbing. The layout is good as well. Letters are actually very practical for functional layouts. The weapon placement is fine now. At first there were some issues but after testing they were resolved. No spawn problems as far as I'm concerned. This was a dramatic improvement from Project X, which itself was still impressive. I just thought this would get a bit more attention than it desverves.
  12. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    I don't know, brute. I'll agree that this map plays well, but I noticed some furious spawn problems. Mainly, I remember respawning in the same three areas over and over. That's not necessarily a problem except when an enemy is in one of those areas where you respawn. One thing I would suggest you do to fix this is for the two bases, the spawn points on them, switch to attacker or defender (depending on the base) That way, when you're killed in one base, you won't respawn in it or the other, it will choose a different point on the map to respawn you in. Moving the spawn points closer towards the middle or adding more spawn points to the outside of the level can fix repetative spawns because one, two, or three respawn points won't be the "furthest away" from danger. Also, I've found that it works best with just two respawn areas, one attacker, one defender. Multiple areas just lead to repetative spawns.

    Other than the spawns, one more thing I'd suggest is un-nerfing the snipe tower. I noticed that a lot of people didn't want to be in there because there was such a high risk. I mean, there isn't a "great" view from snipe tower. It's easy to get into without getting into the main view of the snipe tower and there are fusion coils in it. Get rid of the coils, I say you don't need them, in fact, they're ruining anyone wanting to go in there. It's not the easiest accessed area and it over punishes a player for the reward.

    This map plays well overall, the spawns kind of ruin the flow because players spawn in either base and work the same direction towards the high ground. Fixing the spawns would correct the flow so much. Oh, and I think the place where the energy drain is would be improved a whole lot if you were to make the "jumps" up there to ramps because as it is now, it's difficult to get up there and it's impossible if you're fleeing or chasing an enemy.

    Overall, great map, weapons seem balanced and well thought out, layout is interesting, I hope you take some of these suggestions in mind...
  13. skaterdude770

    skaterdude770 Ancient
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    Amazing! Now if I could just get enough friends to play on it...
  14. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Thanks alot brute, i felt the same about the letters...i mean when you think about it, how greatly symmetrical is an A or how asymmetrical is a G? IDK...but we plan to keep the ABCrew in motion...

    allright, finally some criticism, thanks haruki...

    As for the respawns, they seem almost impossible to fix truly, i mean you either spawn in the base, or you spawn in the highground, which, when you're are trying to hold off a team that is intelligent, they are in both, the highground and the base...therefore, i am at a bit of a loss, also those "2 respawn areas" that you speak of are set for asymmetrical & symmetrical...they're not 2 separate ones...

    As for the "Cake Hill" have your options, the stairs in the center structure, or the tactical jumps up to the top, now, if you use bumper jumper like myself, you know that it's actually quite possible to make those jumps, attack, or hold off the enemy all at the same time. NOW that is not saying everyone is going to use bumper jumper, but the main point of the cake hill is to slow people for one flag-one bomb situations...

    Now, throughout the whole creation of Project U, there have been many problems, and I'm happy that someone actually played it and commented about it, because in the past 70 or whatever comments, there haven't what i can remember...any complaints...this is the kind of criticism shad0w n i were looking for...We may do a v2...but instead of a remake of one of our previous maps, X or U...We're working on S (that's right, it's the SUX trilogy), which is going to be our most epic of them all imo...we may eventually go back and do a remake if our internet goes out, but we feel instead of going back, we need to move forward...
  15. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Great. Just great.

    I'm really impressed with the near-flawlessness of this map. Excellent symmetry, and great layout. I had a lot of fun dropping down on Kapura with the hammer... over and over again.

    I heard it doesn't play very well for CTF or assault (maybe just one of those), but I imagine it's still pretty good. My only suggestions are to add a roof above the center tower (for trapping grenades) and to add a deployable grav-lift to the bottom area. I think this is one of the few maps out there where the GL is a good idea.
  16. LiL Viper202

    LiL Viper202 Ancient
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    i havnt played it yet but i think you should put some more pics on it
  17. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Thanks alot cosmic, though, with putting a gl in there, people would be able to "Break" our that i mean get on top of the sniper tower, bases, and outer rim of foundry...but thanks alot for the comment, i really appreciate it...
  18. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    What about playing with the symmetry options? It looked like there was no place to REALLY break the map with a grav-lift. So maybe only spawn it on asymmetric games?
  19. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
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    this looks sooooooooooooo awesome MLG for sure, but one thing THE CAKE IS A LIE
  20. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    we did use alot of asymmetric/symmetric options, though noone really notices, for example, the respawn areas...We were planning on using the same option for the main power weapon, like asymmetric gets a splazer and symmetric gets a fuel rod, or vise versa, though people thought the splazer was a bit out of wack, by that i mean, rape...

    as for the grav lift breaking some portion of the map, people already come really close to getting on top of the sniper tower, but with the help of the grav lift, i could see people actually breaking it...

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