Project U

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Tex, May 20, 2008.

  1. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    By the ABCrew
    (Shad0w Viper & TxsOutlaw003(Tex))

    Download Project U Here!


    To view other maps completed by The ABCrew go here:

    Project S

    Project X

    Some backround of The ABCrew:

    Before I lead to the description, I would just like to say a few things...When we created Project X, the name came up by complete accident really...We wanted to create a serious, competitve style map, and during the building process, we titled the name of it, Project X...just giving it a catchy code know how that goes...Then, during the final building process (decorations, and minor fix-ups) we realized, this map is actually in the shape of an X so...WAHBAM! SHIZOW! Project X...that's the reason it is what it is...SOOO...When it came down to creating our newest map...We had a hard time coming up with things, then jokingly we thought, hey why not Project W, or Project Z or something of that nature, but we said meh, lets try something original...So we started building away, randomly coming up with different designs, ect...About midway through the building process, we realized...its a U...its a bloody U...not too long after it was code-named Project U. Soon enough, people started calling us the ABC guys...and now I decided to be somewhat more professional with it...and call ourselves The ABCrew, working on maps in the shape of letters, though as childish as that may seem the maps come up serious, and competitive. We work on maps that are basically a mix of MLG and standard Halo. Now, enough of this banter, Here is the description!

    Project U's Description:

    Suggested Players: 2v2-4v4

    Well I guess I'll start out by saying that this was our first map since the "door-technique" came into our lives...and we put it to use, lemme tell ya. There are quite a few pieces that we rather enjoy on the map, though, we sure wouldn't have without that awesome technique...Anyways, here is a list of the structures:
    • 2 Main Bases
    • 1 Sniper Base
    • 1 Center Structure
    • 1 "Cake" Hill
    There are 2 tunnels that lead halfway from the main bases to the "cake" hill, and much merging was done to create a smooth gameplay, and much aesthetics. Here is a list of the weapon layout:
    • 1 Human Sniper
    • 1 Fuel Rod Gun
    • 1 Gravity Hammer
    • 1 Mauler
    • 6 Battle Rifles
    • 2 Needlers
    • 2 Brute Shots
    • 2 Plasma Pistols
    • 2 Magnums
    • 2 Plasma Rifles
    • 2 Spikers
    Vehicles? Well, there are indeed:
    • 2 Ghosts
    Now, you may be wondering, why 2 ghosts? and that is because 1 would not do very much on this map...especially with all the lines of defense against it...also, we want symmetry, had no place to put one in the middle, so we put two, one for each team. Also, I will give you all a list of the equipment:
    • 1 Power Drain
    • 2 Bubble Shields
    • 5 Spike grenades
    • 4 Frag Grenades
    That should be it for weapons/equipment, though, if I forgot something, I will be sure to edit that...

    Gametypes Supported:
    The Pictures:

    The Front of the Center Structure


    The Sniper Tower


    It Just Feels so Big!


    Blue Flags Location


    Red Flags Location


    The Hammer Spawn


    The "Cake" Hill


    The Top of the Center Structure


    Never bunch up when a hammer is headed your way!


    Some sweet stick-pick


    That is it for now, but if I find more information to add (I'm sure I will) I will be editing.

    Also, there should be a youtube video soon, and maybe even a slideshow for kicks


    Chipsinabox for helping with some of the merging, and spawns, and etc.

    To ALL those who helped in playtesting, which there was certainly plenty of...
    #1 Tex, May 20, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008
  2. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    When i saw this i was so happy. I was a huge fan of project x, and this one looks just as, if not more, AWSOME, downloading it write away! 5/5. 100%

    P.s. Cool flag placement
  3. SHADOW 609X

    SHADOW 609X Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks great. I love your series of Project maps. I hope to see more!
    Seriously... The aesthetics, the gameplay, the flag placement... Everthing is great about this map. I'm DLing both right now and playing them tomorrow.

    - SHADOW 609X

    (P.S. : If you guys ever play a game on these maps, mind if I join?)
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very amazing. Definitely a major improvement over Project X. Which kept getting bumped, for some weird reason.
  5. Citizen Snips

    Citizen Snips Ancient
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    This looks very intricate, completed with lots of effort and skill.
    Well Done.
  6. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    OMG! Just from the playtests I could tell right away I loved this. It has one of the best ever layouts, it just plays very well. It looks aesthetically amazing, everything is in its perfect place. I am also glad you fixed the weapons problem too, now this map is comlpete, everyone download this map!
  7. darkmuse19

    darkmuse19 Ancient
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    great interlocking tex. the u shape structure looks amazing and so does the sniper tower. great job tex
  8. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    This map is so good, I don't even need to say how fun it is.
    Mentioning how clean the interlocking is doesn't need to be said after you look at the pictures but when you're in the map you can tell how much time was taken into making this map look perfect.

    The ONLY problem I found with the map is that when playing objective type games, one side of the map is rarely used, but apart from that it's still a great map. Works well and looks even better =]​
  9. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    Great job, love this one!
  10. Shad0w Viper

    Shad0w Viper YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    What side of the map are you talking about Reynbow?

    p.s. Thanks for the cool sig.
  11. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    Behind the staircase area near the grav hammer. That platform area against the wall. Doesn't get used very much in Objective, at least when I was testing with Tex and others
  12. Shad0w Viper

    Shad0w Viper YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That was before we moved some of the score points around. At the moment the only game I could see that happening in is assault.
  13. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I know all about that.
    Looks great, I'm gonna dl right now.
  14. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The long awaited project u!!! And might i add it looks simply amazing!! I will help you make a video of this one, as long as we can play it :D anyways great job!
  15. RadiantOpaque

    RadiantOpaque Ancient
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    This map looks simply amazing, I will be furious if this doesn't get featured. Especially after that UFO's map did, no offense to the creator, it is a really fun map, just not featured material in my opinion. Great job Tex, I can't wait to play this one.

    By the way, I love the hammer spawn.
  16. boydcr2

    boydcr2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Another great map! Keep up the good work...still have a lot of letters to go lol...will DL and play when i get home for sure!!! keep on forgin!
  17. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    Nice! very nice! looks alot of fun. I cant wait for what kind of map Project Q will be.
  18. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Love the map man, I still think you could have added in the symmetric wall, or changed it up in some way for asymmetric, symmetric gametypes. I still think that you should have added a roof to the top of the map, it's too hard to take out the defenders when they are up there, you sort of forgot that higher levels means less cover, and yet that area has the best cover on the map. I'll DL and check it out with the new weapons, etc.
  19. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good morning everyone, and thanks for all the feedback

    Gerbil: The "roof" that you desire , as well as the "asymmetric/symmetric" wall is simply impossible unfortunately...we used infinate budget, and hit the maximum items allowed on the map...we did however add a cool merge triangle type thing for some added cover...
  20. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    Well delete some **** Tex!
    I think it would be a hell of a lot better if there was a while like I suggested in symetrical maps... SRSLY! Find something and delete it, maybe a few start spawns for slayer? Or if you added start spawns for infection, anything =D
    Just as simple wall, even if it was just a double wall sitting in there, I think it's just too easy to run across the middle in objective =\

    I dunno...

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